Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (2024)

Wednesday 6-5-24

Verses for today:

In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

Ephesians 1:7 KJV

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Genesis 2:2-3 KJV

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 46:10 KJV

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Isaiah 26:3 KJV


WARNING:They are going to upload some photos of the earthquakes in Taiwan, Japan and Morocco on Whatsapp. The file is called Seismic Waves CARD. Do not open or see it. It will hack your phone in 10 seconds, and it cannot be stopped in any way. Pass the information on to your family and friends. DO NOT OPEN IT!



Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (1)

Biden’s DOJand Alvin Bragg Blindsided with Bad News:

Demanding the immediate release of documents pertaining to “credible allegations” of “improper collusion by the Biden White House and Department of Justice (DOJ) in the sham political show trial of President Trump conducted by Alvin Bragg, the New York County District Attorney’s Office, and Judge Juan Merchan,” America First Legal is suing the Department of Justice.

The principal target of the allegations of cooperation between the Biden Administration and Bragg’s office is Matthew Colangelo, a senior Biden DOJ official who joined Bragg’s team as a prosecutor after leaving the department. Before accepting a low-level position as a prosecutor in Bragg’s office, Colangelo was the Department of Justice’s third-highest ranking officer official.

“Today, AFLsuedthe DOJ to compel the immediate release of previously requested records regarding Matthew Colangelo, a key figure in the partisan and politically-motivated prosecution of President Trump in Manhattan,” America First Legalwrotein a press release.

The legal team filed many more Freedom of Information Act requests for correspondence regarding Colangelo’s hiring in addition to the lawsuit. The group is requesting contact between Colangelo and the following parties: Jay Bratt, David Harbach, Special Counsel Jack Smith, the Office of the New York County District Attorney, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

A second request is for correspondence between Matt Klapper and the Public Integrity Section of the DOJ, CREW, Special Counsel Smith, Bratt, Harbach, and Colangelo, as well as the Office of the New York County District Attorney. Klapper is the chief of staff to Attorney General Merrick Garland at the moment.

The press release from America First Legal went on to state:“These critical records will expose the relationship between Colangelo, Klapper, the Biden White House, Special Counsel Smith, and the New York County District Attorney in the sham prosecution of President Trump.”

“The ‘Russian collusion’ hoax turned out to be a deep state operation to interfere in the 2016 election and then to cripple the duly elected President of the United States. The American people have a right to know the extent to which the deep state is also part of the New York show trial circus and the leftist election interference program. AFL will keep fighting to uncover the truth.”

Colangelo is not the only member in Bragg’s group with Democratic Party affiliations. While Susan Hoffinger, a member of the Trump prosecution team, has made multiple contributions to left-wing political personalities and organizations, Bragg personally ran on a platform of prosecuting Trump.

Fox News examined records from the Federal Election Commission and found that Hoffinger gave to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign.

Hoffinger contributed $500 in total to the president’s 2020 campaign. This comprises two donations, one in February and one in March of the same year, totaling $250. During the 2020 election campaign, she also gave $900 to ActBlue, a fundraising group that supports Democratic candidates and progressive causes.

“The United States Department of Justice’s job is to check an unscrupulous local prosecutor’s abuse of authority, not facilitate it. But there are troubling indications that political partisans within the Department actively helped lay the foundation for and advance the New York District Attorney’s sham show trial of President Trump,” said America First Legal Senior Vice President Reed. D. Rubinstein when announcing the lawsuit.

“AFL will relentlessly work to ensure the transparency and accountability needed to protect the Department’s integrity and to preserve what’s left of the public’s trust in this most critical of our federal institutions.”

The Republic Brief

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (2)

The White House is melting down after this Republican [Green] Threatened ‘Impeachment’:

The end is near for Joe Biden. And there’s nothing he can do about it.

And the White House is melting down after this Republican threatened impeachment.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., warned Monday she would initiate a privileged resolution to impeach President Biden this week over his handling of the border, which she characterized as a “permanent invasion of the United States.”

Greene said she considered invoking the resolution on Monday, but chose to consult with House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., first.

“I can force a vote this week,” Greene told reporters. “But you know what, I was gonna do it tonight but I decided I’m gonna go talk to our Republican elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, that I actually voted for [who] claims he supports Trump, and ask him if he’s gonna do something about it.”

Greene said she intends to discuss her privileged impeachment motion during a closed-door GOP conference meeting this week.

The decision comes as Biden prepares to issue an executive order cracking down on illicit border crossings between the United States and Mexico. If the average daily contacts at ports of entry surpasses 2,500, the directive is anticipated to halt asylum requests.

“When are we going to impeach Joe Biden”? Greene asked. “I’ve got articles of impeachment ready to go, privileged resolution. I’m happy to force everyone up here to vote because that’s what we should be doing.”

“Because here’s Joe Biden, he’s going to come out with his garbage executive orders on Wednesday, his permanent invasion of the United States of America plan where he sets a limit, a weekly limit. Here you go, everybody. You get to come in.”

She raged against a report that showed that the U.S. government has closed over 350,000 asylum petitions filed by migrants since 2022 because they do not have a criminal record or are not regarded as a threat to the U.S.

“So, you know what? Republicans need to grow a spine. They need to learn that this is our country, our America that we know is gone, because Democrats are willing to put every single one of their political opponents in prison.”

If Greene triggers the resolution on Tuesday or Wednesday, it will compel a vote within two legislative days, most likely with a procedural vote first on a motion to postpone or refer to a committee.

This would be procedurally identical to what happened with Rep. Boebert’s (R-Colo.) privileged resolution to impeach Biden in June. It would also be procedurally identical to what transpired with her decision to remove Johnson last month.

The vote could take place immediately after Greene’s resolution is triggered, but it could also be postponed until later in the day, the next day, or even until the House returns next week, as the chamber is leaving town on Wednesday to allow a congressional delegation to travel to Normandy for the D-Day anniversary.

If the move to table or refer fails, the House will vote on a privileged resolution to impeach Biden immediately.

At this point, it does not appear that there are enough votes to impeach Biden.

Greene added that if Johnson does not move to impeach Biden, she will try to force the issue.

“And if he says he won’t bring an impeachment resolution against him, I’ll just drop ’em on the floor,” Green stated.

“And then we can vote and see where everybody stands. So I’m mad, I’m mad…my people at home are mad. Everybody across this country are furious. We don’t want a banana republic. We want an actual legitimate government. We want a real justice system. We don’t have one.”

D.C. Daily Journal

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (3)

Dr. Phil Delivers Message Everyone Needs to Hear

“We are not some banana republic, for God’s sake!”

Dr. Phil McGraw, the world-famous clinical psychologist, says he is “not into politics,” but the recent lawfare against former president Trump, resulting in a 34-count felony conviction, has compelled the media personality to break his silence.

Speaking to a packed audience onDr. Phil Primetime, the renowned clinical psychologist lamented, “We are not some banana republic, for God’s sake!”

“What are we gonna do next?” he asked. “Have aPutin poisoning posseand start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their la-z-boy recliners?”

Dr. Phil called on the Biden administration to “do the right thing” and dismiss the charges against Donald Trump. He issued a stark warning that the descent into political lawfare, no matter which side it comes from, is bound to thrust America into a “dystopian nightmare.”

“We need our justice department to return to the business of meting out justice and not running the political agendas of those currently in power, blindly seeking convictions, warranted or otherwise, and attacking political opponents ... We are not some banana republic, for God’s sake. What are we gonna do next? Have a Putin poisoning posse and start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their La-Z-Boy recliners?

“We’re better than that. We must be better than that. I don’t like what I see happening in our country. This kind of thing is exactly why I launched Merit Street Media and wrote,We’ve Got Issues.I don’t like seeing the weaponization of our justice system, agencies, and powerful government actions that, frankly, just make my skin crawl for all of us and for my grandchildren.

“And let’s be honest, this is so not just about Trump. If you let your hatred for Donald Trump compromise your ability to find true north on your moral compass, shame on you. If you let your disgust for Biden make you blind to the inevitable consequences of pursuing revenge, then God help the children who will inherit the dystopian nightmare we create. We need leaders who will pledge to end this vicious cycle right now and return us to that safe place where our institutions are no longer bastardized and weaponized but rather simply serve their intended purpose.

“We have serious problems to solve, and it will take serious people to solve them. Men and women who we hold accountable for doing that which they were selected or hired to do need to know we are watching and their positions are privileges, not legacies. They work for us until they don’t. I’m not into politics. I claim no expertise, nor do I seek any. I don’t advocate voting for one candidate over another. I stay in my lane addressing human behavior collectively and culturally, and am focused on how we can have maximum control in our lives and turn this ship of state called America in the right direction and get her back on track so we can be proud.

“That’s my mission, and this is a call to action to save our collective soul and sanity. This is also a call to redemption, healing, and forgiveness that leads to peace among us all, which is a most important gift we can share in our dangerous world. The current administration could and should do the right thing. Dismiss now, even now, post-conviction of a political opponent, all such lawfare and pledge to return to the normal functioning of a government rightly run. God bless you all, and God bless these United States of America.”

David YEO:

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David YEO

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (5)

The Insanity of God – [The VIDEO]:

The Insanity of God is the true story of missionaries Nik and Ruth Ripken. After the death of their son, this ordinary couple journeys into the depths of the persecuted church, asking the question- IS JESUS WORTH IT? How does faith survive, let alone flourish in the places of the world that are over­come with the darkness of sin, despair and hopelessness?

Join the Ripkens as they tell the story of being taught by believers in persecution "how to follow Jesus, how to love Jesus, and how to walk with Him day by day even when it doesn't make sense." The film is based on the best-selling book Insanity of God, and is released in association with the International Mission Board (IMB).

Some people pray blessingsforthe persecuted churches. Others receive blessings fromthem.

Watch the full movie for free on YouTube.

Thank God for turning their suffering into lessons for us.

Patrick Bestall

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (6)

Government won't Commit to Releasing Names of MPs who allegedly conspired with foreign actors:

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says Liberals will conduct an 'internal followup' on meddling claims:

Senior cabinet ministers wouldn't say Tuesday if the government is prepared to release the names of parliamentarians who are alleged to have conspired with foreign governments and to have consciously shared sensitive information with their agents — conduct that one expert says could amount to treason.

There may still be police investigations into these allegations, the ministers said, and details couldeventually be released as part of that process.

But that raises the question of whether the votingpublic will know who's alleged to have engaged in such conduct before the next federal election, which is expected sometime in 2025.

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), a cross-party group of MPs and senators with top security clearances, released a report Monday that paints a troubling picture of what some unnamed parliamentarians are said to have done to undermine Canadian democracy and benefit the interests of a foreign state.

The report was compiled after committee members reviewed information and intelligence gathered by ten federal bodies, including the RCMP, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Department of Justice and Elections Canada. It claimssome unnamed parliamentarians — MPs and/or senators — failed in their duty to conduct themselves in the best interests of the country.

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (7)

The committee said an unknown number of parliamentariansinappropriatelycommunicated with foreign missions ahead of a political campaign andaccepted money from foreign governments or their proxies.

Unnamed parliamentarians alsoprovided foreign diplomatic officials with "privileged information on the work or opinions of fellow parliamentarians," knowing that the information could be used to manipulate some other MPs and senators, the report said.

Certain parliamentarians also responded to requests from foreign actors to "improperly influence parliamentary colleagues" to benefit another country, and disclosed confidential government information to "a known intelligence officer or foreign state,"the committee said in its report, which was heavily redacted.

The names of the alleged parliamentary conspirators are blanked out in the report. They've beenreplaced with the words, "This paragraph was revised to remove injurious or privileged information."

Under the law that governsNSICOP,the prime minister can direct the committee to submit a "revised version" of any of its reports that leaves out information that could be seen as "injurious" to national security, defence and international relations, or that is protected by solicitor-client privilege.

The committee wrote in its report that, after submitting the initial draft version of this studyto Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in March, some information "which the prime minister believed would be injurious" was stripped out of the report released to the public.

It's not clear what information was left out at the prime minister's request.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters Tuesday the government takes the threat of foreign political interference "very seriously" and said the country can't be "naive" about authoritarian governments seeking to undermine our democracy.

When asked if she could guarantee that the Liberals will eject from their caucus any parliamentarian found to have engaged in the activities cited in the report, Freeland would not make that commitment.

"The guarantee I can give to Canadians is our government takes foreign interference very, very seriously," she said. She pointed tonew government legislation, Bill C-70, that would createa foreign agent registry to compelpeople working on behalf offoreign governments to report their dealings.

Pressed to say if she thinks Canadians should know who is supposedly working to undermine the country before the next election, Freeland said she trusts police to do their work.

As for the Liberal Party, Freeland said in French the allegations of foreign interference are "a matter of national interest of national security and as a political party we will do an internal followup."

It wasn't immediately clear what form this "internal followup" will take.

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (8)

Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlancsidestepped a question about the report's conclusion that certain unnamed parliamentarians inappropriately worked with foreign actors.

"I think as a matter of principle, it's unwise to speak about specific elements that may involve individuals," LeBlancsaid.

He also said the"government respectfully disagrees" with some of NSICOP's findings, without offering any specific concerns about what the committee found.

The federal Liberal government created NSICOP. The federal cabinet, based on the prime minister's recommendations, names its members, who are given security clearancesto review the country's most sensitive information.

Rather than call a public inquiry into the matter of foreign interference, the government tasked NSICOP and a former judgewith investigating claims of meddling.

"The government's concerns centre around the interpretation of intelligence reports which lack the necessary caveats inherent to intelligence," LeBlancsaid of NSICOP.

'Textbook treason'

Wesley Wark, one of Canada's foremost experts on national security, said Tuesday the NSCIOP report reveals "underbelly stories" that are "nausea-inducing."

He cited one account in the report that said an unnamed MP consorted with a foreign intelligence officer, sought to arrange an overseas meeting and "provided the intelligence officer with information provided in confidence." Wark called that scenario "textbook treason."

Housing Minister Sean Fraser said he's willing to wait to learn the names of the alleged foreignconspirators.

"The obvious potential reputational damage a person might suffer if there's another side of the story,that must be considered. Those are all factors that will give me some cause to take it seriously and be patient to make sure we get this right," Fraser said.

He said Canadians can learn about who's alleged to have engaged in these activities if there's a police investigation that produces criminal charges.

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (9)

Justice Minister Arif Virani said the government is concerned about the issue of foreign meddling and is taking action.

He said NSICOP's findings should be troubling "for all of us, regardless of caucus or party."

Indeed, the committee also found that foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada — claimsthe party said Monday it wasn't aware of before the NSCIOP report was released.

Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne said it should be up to NSICOPto make recommendations on "the next steps" to dealwith parliamentarians allegedly helping foreign states.

"People need to have confidence that everyone here is acting in the best interest of the nation," Champagne said.

The NSICOP report described the conduct of some parliamentarians as potentially "illegal" but said it's "unlikely to lead to criminal charges, owing to Canada's failure to address the long-standing issue of protecting classified information and methods of judicial processes."

"Regardless, all the behaviours are deeply unethical and, the Committee would submit, contrary to the oaths and affirmations Parliamentarians take to conduct themselves in the best interest of Canada," the report said.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said it's "very serious" and "very, very, very disappointing" to learn that some MPs allegedly workedon behalf of a foreign government.

"If there's any evidence that somebody knowingly worked with a foreign government to influence our democracy, they should no longer be a member of Parliament," Singh said.

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (10)

He said the intelligence gathered for this NSICOP report should be probed by police.

"If this intelligence is true, this is deeply concerning, very serious, and we have to see next steps taken," he said. "A follow-up on this is very vital."


J.P. Tasker is a journalist in CBC's parliamentary bureau who reports for digital, radio and television. He is also a regular panelist on CBC News Network's Power & Politics. He covers the Conservative Party, Canada-U.S. relations, Crown-Indigenous affairs, climate change, health policy and the Senate. You can send story ideas and tips to J.P. at

Senior reporter

Biden Justice Department Admits Special Counsel Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate:

Even though the Justice Department stated that the transcript was altered, it still contains some repeat and filler words.

The Justice Department admitted in a federal court document that the transcript of President Joe Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur regarding his handling of classified documents omitted some repeated words and filler words such as "um."

The Justice Department hasrefusedto turn over the audio tapes of Biden's interview to Congress, citing concerns about"deep fake" technologythat could allow the audio to be altered and presented as authentic.

"Aside from minor inconsistencies (such as repeated words or the use of filler words such as 'um'), the audio recording of the interview accurately reflects the words spoken during the interview," the Justice Department said in a court filing Friday in response to a case filed by the conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch, as well as the Heritage Foundation and a media coalition led by CNN.

Even though the Justice Department states that the transcript has been altered, it still includes some repeated and filler words. For example, the transcript showed Biden said, "and, and" more than 20 times.

"The transcript is not accurate and was changed in a way to help Biden,"Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said."There is nothing ordinary about this, and the transcript inaccuracy issues seem to help Biden’s political campaign needs."

Follow Madeleine Hubbard onXorInstagram.

Just The News

Judicial Watch News

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (11)


Sooooo scary that people are this ignorant and uneducated.

Les Brezanysky

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (12)

Good News:

The Texas Senate just sent Shockwaves across the Big Tech landscape:

Many political campaigns now depend on their social media presence to raise money and mobilize voters.

For this reason, many political experts agree that a candidate’s social media presence can make or break their campaign.

However, examples have emerged over the last several election cycles of social media platforms allegedly using their influence to benefit one candidate or political belief over another.

With this in mind, the Texas Senate’s Committee on State Affairs approved a motion to subpoena several large technology companies to address these concerns last Wednesday.

Some subpoenaed Big Tech companies include Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc., and TikTok, as well as Facebook and Instagram parent Meta, and even Elon Musk-owned X.

On Wednesday, Republican State Senator Bryan Hughes took to X to explain the recently approved subpoenas from the Texas Senate’s Committee on State Affairs.

Senator Hughes stated on X that, “Today the Senate Committee on State Affairs voted unanimously to authorize subpoenas to big tech firms like Facebook and Google.”

“There is strong evidence that big tech imposes their own biases to manipulate and stifle dissenting voices, undermining election integrity. Texas will not stand for that,” the Texan lawmaker added on X.

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (13)

Last week, the Texas Senate’s Committee on State Affairs invited some technology experts to testify on the matter before issuing the subpoenas.

Dan Schneider, the vice president of the Media Research Center, was among those experts who the Texas Senate asked to testify.

Schneider alleged that many Big Tech companies participate in flagrant examples of favoritism, doing whatever it takes to get their preferred candidate across the finish line.

“These big tech platforms like Google and Facebook will have a candidate of choice, a preferred candidate, and any candidate in the way of that individual will be censored and content supporting that candidate will be silenced,” Schneider said in front of the Committee on State Affairs last week.

With these recently approved subpoenas, Texas lawmakers hope to investigate these allegations even further, which some believe have targeted and harmed Texans directly.

Big Tech executives will have a lot of explaining to do

For over a decade now, watchdog groups and concerned social media users have waged allegations of unfair practices against Big Tech companies.

During the 2016 and 2020 Presidential elections, for example, many instances occurred of Big Tech platforms allegedly censoring posts and news stories that defied the agenda of the radical Left.

In many cases, these censored stories and posts did not violate any laws, or user guidelines.

Yet, left-wing news sources rarely faced these sorts of censorship.

Further investigation into this matter could help to reveal the strategy and reasoning behind these allegedly unfair practices.

The Unmuzzled News

Wednesday - half-way through this Week! (14)

Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors

RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!



Welcome to The Storm:

  • · The White Hat Global Military Allianceunder direction of President Donald Trump and in connection with the Nine-nation Alliance, were on the verge of finally dismantling the Zionist Deep State Cabal.

  • · On Sunday 9 June 2024the ending of the Petrodollar was expected to trigger a Black Swan Financial Event via a Global Financial Crash – that would usher in a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies of 209 nations.

  • · Such wouldtake away the Cabal’s control of the World’s Financial System that has been present since 1918 and give The People’s tax monies back to The People.

  • · The expected resulting chaoswould be handled through implementation of Global Martial Law complete with Emergency Broadcast System Alerts to ensure a ten dayBlackout, or shutdown of all media, internet, phone, ATMs and TV Worldwide.

  • · The Military Global Alliancewould take over media by way of their new Star Link Satellite System.

  • · Three days of Presidential Alertswill be followed by seven days (The Seven Trumpets) of eight-hour documentaries that air three times a day to expose fraud, corruption, pedophilia and court proceedings surroundingmass arrests of over 500,000 individuals, including treasonous Zionist Deep State Cabal Global Political Elites.


  • · On Sun. 9 June 2024 Black Swan Event Expected as the Petrodollar Ends and Global Financial System implodessince there was no longer a need for nations to hold US Treasuries as the Global World Reserve Asset in oil trade. The U.S. Treasury bond market is funded off the World needing dollar reserves aka bank derivatives (off balance sheet dollars). When the Petrodollar ends onJune 9th,there is no need for the world to hold U.S. Treasuries as the global world reserve asset in the oil trade. The Japanese Yen will hyper-inflate against their U.S. Treasury holdings. Japan will be forced to liquidate all their dollars

  • · In exactly two months – Sept. 1 2024 –the greatest comeback in World History will unfold. Everything you’ve known and seen will become perplexing. You won’t believe your eyes. America will erupt. PATRIOTS WILL PREVAIL. AMERICA WILL TRIUMPH. The house of cards will collapse. …The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 4 June 2024 Bruce, The Big CallThe Big Call Universe (,pin123456#

  • · Tomorrow Wed. 5 Junethe new currency rates should be fixed.

  • · Bruce’s Source in Iraq spoke with PM Sidani– he said rates on Dinar were handed over to the official record and would show upWed. 5 Juneas a fixed rate.

  • · On Wed. 5 Junethe Iraqi Gazette should publish the new Iraqi Dinar Rate and we could begin our exchanges – likely onThurs. 6 June.

  • Tues. 4 June Wolverine:“Get ready everyone as we are about to reach this new World.”

  • · The “Bondholder” expects to be paid his commissiontomorrow Wed. 5 June. Liquid Thursday 6 June.

  • · My friend Mauricio is having event in Mexico starting aroundJune 8th, not that far off to celebrate this incredible blessing and also give people all the info they need for Nesara/ Gesara. What does that mean? If he is having an event, it means IMO that he probably got paid or will get probably be paid before he goes to Mexico.Having an event as big as that means something!

  • · I have been told by various sources that certain operations will start in Brazil todayTues 4 June,and hopefully will get this done bytomorrow Wed. 5 June.I am trying to see if that is happening and hopefully received that Green Light from Brazil.

  • · Tomorrow Wed. 5 June, I hear that Reno starts.As you know, high bondholders are getting paid, some have been waiting now for 48 hours for their payment.Everything is happening and I think this is the week we have been waiting for.

  • · The Pentecostal groupsent out a message that they are ready to get things started.She must be careful as she has been targeted by unscrupulous people, but she has top lawyers to take care of this matter. She sent out an intel that she is basically ready to get this done. Her other leaders sent out an emotional message saying that “The time of waiting is over.We are finally here!” This came from one of the top leaders in that platform.

  • · I am sure Bruce will have something.He has not been for the last two calls. Where is Bruce? I know he has gone blind. I am not sure what is going on with his vision.If you can all pray for Bruce so he can get well, and hopefully get access to the Medbeds.So all your intel providers: MarkZ can barely walk, Bruce can’t see, Wolverine can’t hear, and Charlie Ward with a certain illness, but we will not give up on you guys.

  • · If I get that Green Light from Brazil and all is flowing,then I will have an emergency live call to celebrate, as it will be the official start for us. Hopefully, Reno will starttomorrow Wed. 5 June.Just get ready and hopefully I will get that call through. Take care, Wolverine

  • · Tues. 4 June AAGabriel: “The US four code masters are waiting for the callto put in the codes. Estimated two days to complete the remaining funding transactions. The timing of when to send out notifications is up to the readiness of the staff and the Redemption Center locations. Could be any day now. MaybeThursday 6 June 2024.”

  • · Tues. 4 June Texas Snake: “Well folks, the information I have rec’ed today indicates a number of the large bondholder paymasters have been invited to Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window.We are then scheduled to begin receiving notification to begin scheduling appointments.I have this info from three sources and am waiting confirmation from the banker, hopefully tonight orearly AM Wed. 5 June 2024.”

  • · Tues. 4 June 2024 Ron Davidoff:“I called William the VP at Bank Note World and 100 Trillions.He told me he is only allowed to sell $1000 a day per customer of Dong and Dinar.I asked him who regulates him and he told me the US Treasury.Ask yourself why would the US Treasury regulate a company that only sells collectible currencies?I asked him why currencies like the Digitals increased in price ten hold over the past few days?He told me they can no longer buy new uncirculated currencies (read into that).He still gets circulated currency.He told me the 100T Zim is now $300 for uncirculated and he is not sure if he can get anymore uncirculated ones. This can only mean Countries are no longer printing and selling new currency and that makes total sense with the RV coming and currencies switching over to asset backed.Keep in mind he is really limited on what he can really tell me (wink and nod).”

  • · Tues. 4 June 2024 Salty Mountain:“We know we should go to a redemption center. I am a business owner and a long time ago, we had to have a Tier 1 bank for large merchant account deposits.I have been a Private Client of Chase for years. I have an assigned banker, which changed 19 months ago. When we first met, I asked her some basic questions about RV. She knew nothing. Over time, I tried to make conversation and tried to politely ask currency questions. About 8 months pass,and suddenly the banker is curious and starts asking me questions.She started asking her Superiors the questions i asked her. Since then, every time she sees me, she wants to see what i know. I do the same to her and on we share information. Recently she went through training on Foreign Currency.About a month ago, she called me and asked me formally if I would be exchanging with Chase. She was putting together some form of “priority” clients for the exchange.She asked about my currencies, knowing I had Zim and she mentioned they would not be exchanging all my currencies and I would have to go to a RC. I already knew this, but we been using each other for info for months….I have helped her more than she has helped me, but she always gets me the answers I seek. I also opened another business account at a credit union about 15 months ago and have been tapering Chase off.Recently, she accidentally told me where my Redemption Center is.”

  • · Mon. 3 June 2024 TNT Tony: “All banks were on HIGH, HIGH alert starting Sunday night 2 June through Thursday morning 6 June.They said byThursday morningdefinitely, you are going to have people walking in your door, a bunch of brand new customers. Banks have pending rates and some are saying we are waitingright nowto be notified of the release of the 800 numbers. The Federal Reserve said they were called in onMon. 3 June to be at their desks.They are passing out money in Iraq and activating projects.Everyone I talk to say they are trying to goanytime now.We are there. The rates are good. Everyone is excited. So I hope you guys are ready.”

  • · On Mon. Evening 3 June 2024the Iraqi Parliament finally passed their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate in it.

  • · Mon. 3 June MarkZ: “The Iraqi Parliament passed the budget today.Folks are geared up forthis week. I have been told by a number of them that they are ready and positioned.”

  • · Fri. 31 May Wolverine: “I received an official notification from Brazil that confirmed the release order forColombia, USA, Brazil. The representative of the Columbian project manager begins with his delivery protocols to his Tier4B. Leading representative internet group starts inJune.I received another message from a very strong contact, a Whale, from Zurich, saying he got the same message. Reno – I have been told, is about to kick off.So by next week, everything will be looking beautiful. The foundations are all funded. They are ready to go. This is not a rumor. This is fact that is coming through.

Global Financial Crisis:

Tues. 4 June 2024 The US Economy Now Has: …US Debt Clock on Telegram 1.63 bankson the brink of default according to the FDIC 2.Over $500 BILLIONof paper losses held by banks 3.Declining GDP growthwith rising inflation 4.Over 50% of Americansbelieve we are in a recession 5.Lowest mortgagedemand in over 30 years 6.A record $17.7 trillionin total household debt

  • · Tues. 4 June 2024: The New York Stock Exchangeis currently attempting to run PR damage control, after a “glitch” caused an apparent 99% drop in the stock price of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., along with many other high profile stocks.

  • · Tues. 4 June 2024 DMPatriot on Telegram:Unrealized losses in the US banking system are once again on the rise, according to new numbers from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). In its Quarterly Banking Profile report, the FDIC says banks are now saddled with more than half a trillion dollars in paper losses on their balance sheets. The FDIC also says that the number of lenders on its Problem Bank List rose last quarter.

  • · 97 Countries Prepare To Attend BRICS 2024 in June in Russia:

Restored Republic:

WHY did Q tell you that Israel was saved for last?Fulford:

  • · You are watchingthe EXPOSURE of how a captured U.S. government by outside foreign entities created a MILITARY COUP using the CIA Three Letter Agencies.

  • · TRUMP was PLACED to EXPOSEthe captured US Government. This is all happening and being recorded into Congressional records. The United States Archives and the Military sectors are recording everything.

  • · The Worldis going to change on a massive levelas the CIA Globalist Western funds and fiat currency comes near extinction level.

  • · Right now in Congressa huge topic is taking place on Globalist powers and their reach into the U.S. system that is connected to an OPEN MILITARY COUP.

  • · The real story of the Illuminatireaches far back into the Knights Templar who created the earliest banking systems through Europe. The story of the Knights Templar goes back to the Middle East where they found King Solomon’s gold and the real Ark of the Covenant.

  • · Hugh De Payens was one of the leaders of the Knights Templar.De Payens had family that was of the Islamic faith and they had deep connections to the secret society of the Brothers of the East. The secret society met with the Templar’s Knights where De Payen gave them the secrets of the ATLANTIS. The real story connected to the original hidden Bible and the Angels, aliens and different deity’s that were connected to old Sumerian Gods Mesopotamia and the civilization before Christ and the other several civilization hundreds of thousands years older and much like ATLANTIS. And their connections to the Anunnaki.

Tues. 4 June 2024 Twin Tower City @TwinTowerCity:In their desperation to “Get Trump” the Democrats were baited and trapped into establishing these 17 precedents (to be used against them later in a BOOMERANG):

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be impeached (Feb 2021 Trump impeachment trial)

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be forced to reveal tax and business recordsPresidents / Former Presidentslose executive privilege (Peter Navarro imprisoned)

Presidents / Former Presidents lose attorney-client privilege (Corcoran testimony forced)

Presidents / Former Presidentsdon’t have Presidential Immunity (SCOTUS decision pending)

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be forced to release private phone records and text messages

Presidents / Former Presidentscan have their homes raided by the FBI (deadly force authorized)

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be subpoenaed by partisan committees (Jan 6 show trial)

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be repeatedly indicted and arrested (Trump arrested 4 times)

Presidents / Former Presidentslose their First Amendment right to free speech (gag orders)

Presidents / Former Presidentslose the right to trial by jury (Mar-a-Lago “worth $18M” trial)

Presidents / Former Presidentsare no longer protected by the Statute of Limitations expiring

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be convicted without a unanimous decision (Merchan rule)

Presidents / Former Presidentscan be incarcerated (coming soon – it had to happen this way)VP can no longer question validity of disputed electoral votes (2022 Electoral Count Act)

Contingent electorsare now “fake”, and can no longer be submitted when the election is disputed Protests can be declared an “insurrection” and the protestors jailed for years without trial


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.