Till The World Ends. - Chapter 7 - Azumi06 - Jesus Christ Superstar (2024)

Chapter Text

"Did I really just done that? Heck, have I?" Judas just walked back at from where his footsteps where taking him, not to his motel room but from somewhere else. Still bafleed from how he had taken his stuff and walked out from the motel room. Heck, he just saved a woman whose own crime had been way worse than his. And yet, there he had been and saved her. He was now walking away from the mess, still bafleed by his own actions as he walked onto the stairs.

Like a zombie.

Well, a zombie whom better get away before he could get killed again, once more.

Did I?

Did I just saved a woman, from getting killed?

Stoned to death, seriously?

I must look and be pathetic, now.

Damn it. Maybe I need a glass of whisky to control my thinking. Stupid thinking.

Unless, I need to get myself exorcised from her. Salome. A cursed woman and whose fate had been worse than mine.

He couldn't stay any longer over at that motel room, so he decided to move along into John and James's studio. If they still lived over or if they still were willing to forgive him, for the mistake he did.

Sending Jesus onto the hands of the evil, once.

He knocked over the door, through the darkness, once, when nobody answered here. And according to the hour, it must be by now 1 or 2 o'clock by now, if James or his brother had been alsleep by now, they'd be thinking by calling the cops by now. If a intruder was transpassing by their home. He frowned over that thought.

But, for a weird thought, they didn't answered the door or called anyone. The heck?

He knocked over again, and still nothing. Seriously? Were these clowns living dangerously, now?

Okay. Not if they had the choice, but still, keep the door close when intruders might want to come inside-

Judas tried again to knock over, when the door pushed over on its own..Open as the air had done its magic.

He looked back and forth, surprised for a minute.

Which made him shudder for a second, with uncertainty and confusing. Okay, now the world was seriously ending now..He pushed the door, with the most nerving sound that any door would make as he made his way inside the quiet appartement. Too quiet, to be sure.

"Hum, hello? John? James?" He tried to not sound too loud here as he closed back the door and dropped his bag down at the entry. Too quiet and yet, he was getting frightened up here as his eyes tried to get themselves adjusted by the darkness.

It was empty.

And yet, he felt weird, for a second. As if someone or something was watching him, around. An uncomfortable presence. He shouldn't be afraid and yet, he felt the hair of skin getting al act up, here.

No, come on! You're making up far too much of thinking here-

Wait! Wait! Why the hell is there a weird alcohol smell, here-

And the next thing he did discovered was the fact that someone had surpisedly pinned him down onto the floor, with an incridible strength he wasn't ready to fight back or compete with. When he felt his arm getting twisted around and pushed him down onto the floor.

Too surprised to even do anything.

And where an old used lamp got lightened up to see an familiar face as his eyes blinked over the sudden brightness, he had thought had the courage to forget but didn't. Since he was the one who betrayed him and sent him to his death..

"Judas? Is that really you?" His hazel eyes with long light brown shouldered hair, this man wouldn't be forgotten to anyone. Nope, not even to him. Despite, with him having his beard not so well trimmed, and that horrible smell coming from that sweater, and bloody sweater from that spot at his left side. Heck, did he even showered, before?

It must be from him from where that scent came from. Awfully bad.

"No. It's Casper, the kid ghost. Who else did you expected to be?" Judas had sarcastically responsed back when he felt his rose up as Jesus helped him to stand up."What on earth are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"And you left the door open?" He pointed the door left ajar, when Jesus put his hands onto both sides.

"Because I just came in, when I heard some noise, so I barged in and not thinking it was you, so-"

"And pinned me down, yeah I know." Judas had agreed back with a grimace as he massaged his injuried arm."Never thought you hard strength, though. With, all those years about preaching love and all that."

"Remember that event at the temple?" The man here brought back that unforgotten moment. Where most the men back where left scarred by then and of his bad behavior though.


"I've thrown a few tables off and right back at theirs faces. Ever thought of that?"

"Oh, I remember that now." He certainly remembered that day, when he had thought this man had totally lost his mind when he did thrown up the tables away at his merchants and thieves whom used the temple of God as a marketplace shop. How he did accused them of using his house of prayer as a den of thieves..

And yet, he felt like he had his mind by pretending him to be someone he wasn't. And Judas had the feeling to turn him in..

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. No one could have had predicted from not happening-"

"Not even you?" At this question, Judas looked back at him as he stared away with a frown, or more like a wince.

"It's not like I wanted to.." And yet, it did killed him and it was because of his own fault. And the people of today, still believed him to be the betrayer and the bad jew of his own time. The one who sealed Christ onto his horrible fate and to which lead him to hang himself with guilt and shame.

He did pushed him to be killed. If he hadn't? Would Jesus would have had a normal life instead?

"Stop with the 'What ifs.' There's far too many to compare them now. Even for me, they are far too much to handle, or so."

"Jesus..I'm..I'm so-sorry.." Judas tried to find the right words when his eyes felt like burning up here as his shoulder felt the pressure of a strong and bandaged hand. He looked back at the still strong man whose smile could comfort a person's heart in denial or in pain.

"It's alright now. I've forgave you, a longtime ago."

"I'm not sure if I still can, though."

"I'm not forcing you to do what you still can't do, man.." Jesus nervously snort back up when he fliched back at his injuried side. As Judas's eyes grown with concern when he saw him get his other hand to grab his side. From where the blood spot was seen.

"Hey, take it easy, here." He told him back as he grabbed from his waist and forced him to sit onto the couch that was just behind them. When he just noticed one thing here, that he hadn't before. The world was ending and yet, the stigmata marks were acting up and acting the pain. Pain without no ending, here.

People's pain from their own sins and to which Jesus paid his life for.

"You sure, you're alright? Need water, maybe?"

"No, it's fine. Sorry. Someone took care of it. I shouldn't laugh, or else I'd rip off the stitches onto it." He held back a wince as he leaned over the couch leaving Judas feeling a bit weird, or so. Who'd helped him out? Again? Did I missed something? Again?

"Who helped you, out?"

"Someone on the road, had helped me out. You know.." He waved out until it finally cliqued in..

"Who-" And yet, Judas couldn't asked more of it when Jesus gave him a warning stare as he ran his fingers through his hair locks. And this is when Judas had understood it. A woman had helped him out and wanted to protect her from being discovered. And something from his eye had told him to not say anything. And he wanted to protect her from being discovered or found of any trouble.

Unless, it was Magdala. He could still remember the way these two had exchanged looks back then. Had Jesus been a normal man, he would've had settled down and married her by thirty. Like any ordinary jew men would've had.

"How about you take off that sweater? No offense, but you smell bad, here.." Judas had replied back when the man here looked at him, suspicious."Unless, you wanna smell bad alcohol or so.."

But Jesus made no objections and got rid of the heavy sweater off as Judas took a look over the scars marked onto his strong back as there was the bandaged area through and to where was the last stigmata down onto his left side. Freshedly bandaged new as he looked back. Cursed with these marks of the people whom had sinned and were still sinning.

"Do they hurt?" Judas had asked close to a whimper by giving up a nod to the marks onto his skin. When his friend shrugged back his shoulders as he shook his head.

"No. I don't feel it. The pain, I'mnumb to it. I mean. It's something else, though."

"Like what?"

"The demons. Decades ago, I would've had gotten rid of them, but not today." Jesus had half confessed back as he looked back Judas."They've comeback with a revenge. A curse from Lucifer."

The ex-angel that fell from God, himself and from who disobeyed from. Just like he had. Judas had felt like Lucifer, only he wasn't an evil angel and Jesus would've had been the sacrificed lamb of his own father's holy actions. Like Issac and Iphigenia's stories. Mythological or not. They've had a meaning with him.

"I still can remember that man." Judas had gotten startled back up when Jesus spoke again by changing the subject. "A father who begged me to not forgive him cause he sent his daughter to her death, in order to end a war. I remembered he cried and held onto my feet, telling me he didn't deserved it. Didn't deserved to be saved and coming from an old story that Andrew had told, I guess I didn't took it seriously then, until it happened."


"The scars. The stigmata marks onto my body. They were from the sins I've carried on for so many years. A greek warrior named Aggamenon had felt too ashamed as he kneeled onto my feet and cried." The savior almost cried back as he enviosonned back the memories through his mind as he placed his hand over his exposed chest with an unknown meaning as his eyes were getting teared back."He kept telling me, that he didn't deserved to be forgiven. He couldn't. And this where I've finally understood, that I've shared almost the same poison as his daughter have had before. A lamb had to sacrificed in order to bring peace." Jesus had admitted back.

He sure would've had, since a woman's biggest crime was as close to his. But, Judas couldn't tell him that as his friend was re-telling his suffering.

Something told him, that Mary had brought him back the will to smile and live through this curse. Magdala had gave him the strength to keep onto living and going on. Even through, Peter had thought if Jesus had hated him for denied when he was afraid of him when people had asked about knowning him.

When Judas Iscariot was cursed with Salome's fate. Daughter of Herodias. Salome cursed him, Judas with her sins.

John's The Baptist's Jesus close cousin had known about the sins. The Evangilist had done so far.

Cursed so far, though.

"Hey, buddy.." He patted onto his shoulder when he had seen his features going sober." Son of God or not, you can't always save everyone, here."

"No, I can't. I still can't, today..With the world ending. I felt like I've failed everone."

"Nope. I don't think you did or if it was your fault." Judas had added back as the answer made him feel confused or so when he took a stare back at him."It's human kind, Jesus. It's far from your reach. You can't help it. You did what you could, but it's kinda of the people's fault if they hate themselves, today."

"And we're paying it, today..." Jesus had concluded back with a frown and looked back down at the carpet, with a disgust expression."And yet, I spoiled such a good spiritual bottle, here."


"The alcohol you just smelt, before. A present of John when he came back from Greece. In Crete, an cursed island he had told."


"A few families hatred over theirs own. Feuds that never end, though. Just like our own, today." Jesus explained back with a shaking nod."And I've made a big mess."

"Okay, but why?"

"Because I was tormented by a demon, and left to get some air until I've saw her, again. " Jesus had resumed once again this mysterious woman whom he wouldn't say her name to protect her. Mary Of Magdala, it was obvious. If he had been allowed to love someone like a woman, the world of today wouldn't be so messed up.

"You know, it's okay to love her, I mean Magdalene." Judas had cleared up with a good sentence when Jesus turned back to him with a startled stare. His eyes went big as he blushed deeply that made Judas want to crack up into laughter.

"Yeah. I know that. Cause it's all written all over your face, man. Like now." He pointed back over his surprised here to resume."But, don't worry, I won't say a thing to anyone, though. In order for you to protect her from being exposed. Cause Lilith is watching everything step of her own recruit, you know?"

"Oh, I sure know."

"Don't worry about me telling that Magdalene saved you once or falling-"

"I'm not if it is.."

"You told me, once that love isn't a curse, therefore, so don't think of it. Don't matter what Lucifer thinks of it." Judas had cut him off again with a stern when he didn't looked so certain. And for one second, he could've had sworn that Jesus had been relieved by his words. Damn, right. He loved that woman, here. Cursed or not.

Love was not a curse. And was Hate's own sister, here which many people often mistook. And were paying the price.

"I wouldn't tell a soul, man. I'd protect your word, though." Judas had cut his worries for a second. Which left him a bit surprised, though. Back in the day, Judas wasn't a big fan of Mary. And the confusing question between the thing that she may have been an prostitute or a woman haunted by seven demons was still a mystery. Or the fact she had been both, it might have been. Or not. But tonight, Judas wasn't having any grudge or did he, right here.


"Magdalene would be spared from being hurt. Don't worry." He added back with a sigh.

"I don't wanna ask too much.."

"You're not. It's my pleasure." Judas had patted him back with a smile which Jesus was relieved by it. They were still friends, after what happened decades ago.

"There's only one thing that I'm upset about, though.." He did broke back with a wince.

"Okay?" Judas got a bit worried when he felt like had gotten slapped onto the back him. He who was frowning. And he actually gotten himself slapped here, until he dropped out this;

"Only thirty silver coins? Seriously? I'm much more worthier than that!" Jesus tried to keep himself as serious as he could, until he had cracked up into an explosive laughter which left Judas shocked for a second until he finally joined him.

It was so good to be friends, after all this time.

And yet, his heart was beating for Magdalene, like crazy. Damn, she had been so close to him and close to kiss her. Judas would've had noticed on how he had been lonely, after all that time.

Until now.

Son or not of God, Jesus didn't deserved to be alone. Nope. Of anything of it.


'That guy was weird, and he smelt bad but there was something interesting though between us..' Frowning here, into her motel room as she was sitting onto her bed with legs crossed, Mary held back her accoustic guitar close to her chest. Letting her trained fingers tracing back the musical cords.

That man, he sure was strange but also familiar. But how?

She couldn't place it a name onto a face.

But yet. He did seemed familiar. Her mind couldn't place, but somehow the heart had done so.

She felt a connection with this man. Too much.

It was strange, but it was.

How close she had been to reach up and kiss him when his lis had been near to hers? Why would she kiss a stranger? How, insect it sounded?

It's not like he had been her brother. Nope. He wasn't. And yet, she was attracted to him. And, he was attracted to her. He did looked afraid, but his eyes were telling her, otherwise. Despite the bad long haired cut and the beard that was untrimmed and was bleeding from his side. The one that she took care by instinct.

As if his life had depended on her. Mary couldn't shake it the fact that hadn,t she acted faster, he would have died under her watch. I had to act and fast! She pressed her guitar close to her chest as she let her fingers traveling the cords. Somewhere in the night had been for only one man that only her mind would understand it. If she could ever find him again.

As an ex-social worker, Mary used to analyze and visualize the people when it came onto harming children. She and Mary of Bethany, a colleague and friend of hers, used to work together on a few cases and observed the ways how children when it came to the parents's hold. Doctors had often refferred them to her before they could call the cops, when they believed a child was harmed or left with purple and blueish marks onto its body. When they felt they weren't safe around. Even today, she had visions of the kids getting hurt.

It did hurt her heart, deeply. Like her heart ached for them.

And wished she could've saved them all from harm, but she still can't, today. Mary felt the tears going through her eyes as she dared but wished she had a ciggarette or a bottle whisky to escape the pain. Memories of pain. Even thought for a second, she did tried to end up her life, once. Because of a bonding she did make with a little girl, before she was left beaten, tied up like an animal throughtout the tiny household of the family's dog. Left to die alone and with starvation and blood poison who turned out to be sepsis.

She didn't even made it to the hospital. And Mary felt like she had betrayed her, through. Promised things she shouldn't have. The parents did get judged but her heart didn't could handle it.

And yet, the seven demons had come back, once again as they've owned her body, once again.

And tried to do the irreparable thing. And the next thing she did remembered, it was the fact she landed onto a hospital bed. And to which the demons took advantage of her. Once again.

Into a psychiatric ward, haunted with demons. Demons, she almost forgot she had them decades ago. Until a patient, a man decided to take her pain without any hesitation, through and yet, after his sacrifice, she felt free of any pain.

And then, she exiled herelf back to Hawai, Honnolu's peaceful island where her mind could be at ease with family and friends. In order that she could heal hersrself, until that dream came back to haunt her. The passionned kiss she had with a powerful and loving man. Before he did died onto the cross.

And yet, today. She had meet a strange man. Familiar.

A strong man with a voice that was frightened by her demons. Hadn't he come back? Did he really?

The man she had meet, had mysterious wounds. One down of his chest and few others onto his forehead and hands. Since his hands were bandaged while his eyes were surprised when he had seen her, as if she came from a dream. That staring look they exchanged as if they've known each other for years.

In love.

The lyrics came through her mind after that dream and she needed to put them down onto paper. Before she could forget them. A dream of her running by to stop him from leaving and from dying as she kissed him with such passion, she couldn't describe.

Her heart had felt so much in love ever since that night, and a love that couldn't be forgotten. It just couldn't.

"Maybe, I fell in love with a special man." She mutturred back alone to herself. And the man whom made her sing her heart out, it was weird.

When somebody barged into the motel as it startled her for a second. A woman with black longish dark hair and short golden dress had startled her, for a bit. And blue eyes flushed with dark crying mascara looked back at her.


His favorite and lover was over there, covering with her guitar as a sheild. The one Christ had saved before. Salome tried to find her way through without LIlith finding her wherbroots and yet, she did found Magdalene, here.

The one who Christ had spared from seven demons and saved her. His favorite to be, until today. Loved her from what rumors had told. And yet, Salome had belived to be. He did loved her, still today. Forbbiden love stories were the best to read and re-read over again, today.

Mary was an icon whom Salome would admire, today.

Bright and strong woman, which she wasn't. And Magdalene made it through here. As she watched her rushing inside of the room as she travaled her fingers through the musical vocals of her accoustic guitar here.

Her dark eyes had stared back at her, strangedly.

"Hum, hi?"

Her voice sounded so melodic and mature. Yet, so profound. That the princess had almost lost her balance as she stepped through the room.

First, she had been saved by Judas from being stoned because of her addiction, John The Baptist had been killed by her own hand. and yet, because of an act, he did,

He had raped and hurted Magdalene, decades ago. And to which had haunted her with demons and to which led her unto a path of prostitution.

When Jesus walked to her sight and saved her.

A secret that Salome had kept and never let go, until that bastard had been dead. After all, he did threatened her mother to be a witch, and her, a child of the wicked.

A child of the wicked because of her mother's marriage.

Which made her fall into sobs and dropped down onto her knees, as she wanted forgiveness. Under Magdalene's confused stare.

"Um, who are you-"

"Magdaleni, please forgive me! Please! Forgive me!" Salome had started to preach down in greek language to which the dark haired woman couldn't understand here. Mary couldn't quite understand anything any of it.

Jesus would be able to forgive with the state he was, today? Would he? After Mary had been under torture thanks to Salome? A man like would forgive her? Today? Wouldn't he? After all, hadn't he had been a normal man, he would have married a woman like Mary, decades ago.

And would've had hated her, for putting Mary under horrible path and hidding John's secret under her hands and not onto Justice's hands. Had Mary known, today.

"I'm sorry, Magdaleni. Mary, I'm sorry.."

"How do you know my name?-"

"Magdaleni, please, forgive me! Please, forgive me!" Salome had been thrown onto his knees and begged for forgiveness. Which left Christ's woman confused. Mary had settled her guitar aside, and turned her palms up to reach up to the woman's here for comfort, here.

"If it makes you feel better, than come over here." Salome had reached up her face full of tears as Magdalene had let her come to reach for forgivness, under her hands. Not knowning of Jesus's cousin's being a man of lust and killed a woman's mind onto a never forgivening murder and a man whose death he had mourn, until he'd would change his mind onto an reverse way.

There was no way, that Jesus would ever forgive John or either, her, for the faults they've let go for so many years ago.

And yet, Mary had decided to forgave her. Had she known, she wouldn't have to.

Unless, Judas would stand by her side.

And yet, Magdalene's heart was too kind that she even offered her to come and to stay at her room, even, she wanted to buy a few snackes to help her out, as she noticed she was a bit intoxicated, here.

"Let me get some water and a few snacks to help you out. You look a bit out of it, here. Can always use the bathroom to wash yourself for a bit. You look worn out, you know?"

"I'm not an addict-"

"Trust me, darling. I do know how to notice an addict here, I've been working with addicted parents before, so I do know when I'm talking about." Mary had talked about it which made Salome stop from talking more.

However, Mary looked like a strong woman whom came back with confidence to end the war, but would her heart be enough to stop it? Would she be forced to chose Lilith as a mentor or betray her if she would ever go to the men.

After all a woman's love to a man is much more stronger than it been. And Magdalene's love for Jesus was stronger than it seemed.


"Call me, Mary, for short and I'll rush up to get more covers and blankets for you gal, you look exhausted and tired from what I can see. Stay in my bedroom. And I'll try to go and seek for what you need." Mary brought her palms onto her shoulders and pushed her to sit down onto the bed.


"Wash your face, you look like a clown. I'll be right back." The long dark haired woman turned the door hold pulled the door open and walked away before the ex-princess could say anything.

Hopefully, she wouldn't get caught by men, who were controlled by Lucifer's wrath. Hopefully, Jesus's love would keep into the right direction, and save this sinner and the one she had been cursed to be today, though. Salome was doomed, anyways.

If Mary had known, she would have hated her now.


She who loved him better than all of us. Took care of him, even when he had been put onto the tomb, John had seen him being taken cared off when Magdalene took care and cleaned off his wounds when he had been dead.

Young and traumatized. He had watched Jesus dying with such unbareable agony onto the cross, horiified and with terror. Not to forget, he'd watched all the others die one by one just because they wanted to spread the word of love and peace. He had been the last to hold on onto an undying curse.

And yet, Jesus came back. Alive onto the flesh with each stricking wound which was stilll marked onto his skin. Stigmata scars reacted to each people whom had still sinned today.

Each wound of the roman soldiers had fabricated onto his skin. Close enough to see him flinch, at her touch.

Had he been alive, after all this time? cause, had he? Wouldn't had prevented all the appostles's deaths one by one? Unless, they had been destined to die? What about Mary? Had she died as well? Under a secret tomb? Back away in South France?

Would they had been interwiened before they woud've had been killed?

Only, John had been the last to suffer. When he had watched others die one by one. After Him.

Until today.

He still remembered the way his brother had been wrongly beheaded under his watch as they both preached Jesus's words so much he wanted to hate him.

After all, it all started with with him bring him to his world of preaching the teaching of love. Lord. Who would let his brother die under the word of love? Who could? And yet, Jesus lived under his roof, though.

Not to forget, his betrayer was lounging onto the couch when he and James came back home at, early morning.

Releasing out a huge yawning, Judas scratched the back of his head as he turned over and close enough before he could fall over onto the floor when he recognized the two men standing grown men onto the place. He restrained himself up from the couch as he stood behind it, looking a bit startled.

John was too shocked to say anhything here and right through that betrayer was doing here, for whatever weird or heck reason he had been. However, it was different for James whom stood before him as he wanted his little brother to be spared from any evil here. And that includes Judas.

"Hum, guys.."

"What the hell are you doing here?"


"Look, I can explain-"

"Who said you could walk and lounge around here? You remember what you've done decades ago? And call yourself a friend, still?" James went to the agressive method while his young brother stood silent.

"What happened before, I do and still regret it." Judas had stood back up, feeling sober from his own past actions. "I can't even forgive myself, today for the sin I've made. Curse him with the burden-" But James didn't wanted to hear anymore of it as he lunged over the men by grabbing his throat with such anger and pushed the man onto the nearest wall as Judas groaned and with pain as his hands tried to push James's hands away through its hold, under John's horror sight.

"And still today, he is cursed with people's burden and all that is no thanks to you!" James cut him off."How dare you! Think you can still be able to breathe freely, after what you've done to all of us!"

"James, stop it! You won't do any good if you attack Judas-"

"Probably killed by my own hands and besides, what do I have to lose, now?" James had argued back with fury. When John had rushed in and tried to pull his brother away from hurting Judas, as hard as he could.

Heck, he was wringling his legs as a way to stay alive. Struggling to fight even. The fight that John had no clue that Judas had still, after all that time. Looks like Jesus was right in one point, here. Never judge a book by its cover. Not so sure if that reply came from him, though even if he would agree it or not.

"Stop it, James! Stop it!"

"Make me, little brother-"

"Drop it, James.." Had said a stern voice that shook the three of them. Shook the three of them, as James had released his hold onto Judas whom managed to breathe more normaly, now as he held his bruised throat.

"Leave Judas alone."

Jesus stood in sweat and bare chested through his bleeding bandaged spot at the open way of the door. Looking like an injuried and recovering warrior man. The sight had spooked the hell out of them. He heard the noises and decided to com foreword to defend Judas. Judas whom paid the proice of betraying the Son Of God.

And from what John could see the marks from the hanging cord through Judas's throat, with shock. And understood. He had suffered enough.

"Master.." James breathed helplessly, when Jesus sneered angrily at the sight from where he stood at his open door way, here. And how, angrily he did looked at them. One hand held the door while the other held his bandaged side. He hid his stare away as he had been in pain.

A look that John was too familiar ever since he had been brought here.


"I said let him go!" It sounded like a threat as his voice would make the objects float up through the air, here. He was threatening them both as his eyes changed its color with anger as they stepped back with fear.

Red eyes with fury were now staring at them, with an uncontrolling anger and were ready to create an inevitable disaster. Enough as the door from the entry closed on its own.


And then the other from the bathroom.


And then the windows.


Leaving the men under the terror of the man here.


"I said it's enough!" He cut them off with a voice that didn't belonged to his. But to someone else. One of the demons, from what John would've had understood and somehow Judas had understood too, as he held his throat with fear and shook as he stared back the man who was once the savior as they called to be, until the destiny had been told otherwise. The man who carried Magdalene's seven demons. Through his skin. His own flesh and blood. Over his heart as his eyes reflected them.


"You wanna die, right here and now?" Jesus sneered through with another voice, one of the demons as he groaned with disgust when he grimaced against his will."You haven't learned enough after all those years? The way you've treated Judas after his betrayal and Magdalene, after she stood loyal by my side and loved me for the person that I am when you couldn't? You call yourselves men?" He cursed back at the men over here, with an such uncontrolling anger he couldn't hold back on.

Windows exploded by the anger of his voice, close when the rain came in just like it did when he had beecn cruxified by the romans on the Holy Friday night. Judas remembered that night so well, with fear when he stared doen at Jesus's hands that cltchered up onto fists.

And yet, he was bleeding here through theirs sights, while he was being tormented by the seven demons with blinded anger.

Leaving three and innocent men, frightened by his sight.

No wonder, he never wanted to go out of this studio. Judas had thought back. People wouldn't see him as a saior but a monster, today.

Demons of Magdalene haunted the Savior because they had known the Savior's weakness and it was his love for her.

And there she was, somewhere out here and back into town.


Mary Magdalene couldn't help it but find some compassion for this young troubled woman here who was soundly sleeping here onto her bed as she watched her, sitting onto that lounging chair, with confusion.

Marianna Wen, as she often called herself, was curious about that troubled woman. Reminds me of myself, before.

Many years as a young troubled woman. Rumoured to be a prostitute with seven demons, before she got saved by him.

And this stranger from last night, had seemed to be familiar, strangedly speaking.

And yet that woman came into her room like a lunatic and close to lose any sense of reality, here. Her mouth couldn't speak out the truth out, but her blue eyes had certainly did when she begged for forgiveness which Mary couldn't point out her finger onto.

"Salome? Where is she?"

"That troubled young gal. She is gonna bring us onto an incomplete mess." The voice of devil. Mary wasn't certain but it had been the voice of certain devil she had heard, when she had beecn possessed.

Lilith. The female demon whom started the war, here. Demon, she needed to protect herself from. A female demon whom could've had possessed her decades ago. But, she wouldn't let herself fall onto. She can be stronger than that. Show no mercy to them. Or even to her.

A woman who could've had been Adam's first wife but he had chosen another. Than her.

Just like Mary had chosen a man's whose heart was precious for so many. A man whom sacrificed himself to take the burden of her seven demons in order to save her.

And love a man whom wasn't normal mand sacrificed his life for a better reason. Because of love. Her love as well.

Which Jesus wasn't able to returned back, when his life was at risk.

And this where an loud asounding of thunder was heard from outside that had shook her by surprise.


Red and angered eyes were now looking back at him as he hunched over like a monster which stood Judas onto paralyzing fear. When he tried to reach out for his friend deep down. The good man was still in there.

Wasn't he?

"Think of Magdalene. Think of her. Think of her. Of her love.." Judas deeply thought back through his mind when he stood completly with fear. Hoping it'll bring back Jesus into his senses. If he ever could hear him now. He wasn't a fan of Mary, knowing her, she made his friend feel more comfortable and human. More. than all the disiples could've have had done.

And yet, he was protecting her now with the demons hauntening him, today.

He had never seen him being possessed by demons and the seven of them were taking advantage of him. His soul. His humanity.

"Jesus. Stop. Please!"

But a huge enormous roar sound was heard throughtout the place which made the windows open as the hauntening storm came in a burst.

The woman Jesus held deep down through his heart in secret wouldn't want him to suffer. Judas had thought so.

Judas made a brave move and tried to stop him, like he witnessed his friend doing it so. When he pressed his hands onto his shoulders.

His eyes staring onto his his red ones. Possessed ones. Growling like a beast.

Unless, he was hidding someone, in order to protect a person. Someone he loved and yet, he paid the price for her. To bear her suffering for her.

Magdalene was part of it.

Hold on on to Mary, Magdalene. She was the one who made you happy, and fall for before you've died. You're stronger than that..

"Come back, man! Come back!" Judas urged back when James urged him to stay away.

"Judas, step back! He's not gonna listen to you!"

"Heck, I'll make him to!" Had cut the man back as he whirled his head back to the troubled man who was now sneering and panting under demons's possession, when Judas winced back at the expression he was now witnessing at the moment.

But when he tried to answer back, Jesus had suddenly pushed him away with an extreme and powerful punch, leaving the two brothers in fear as Judas fell back down onto the kitchen floor after he hit his head toward the cupboard.


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Till The World Ends. - Chapter 7 - Azumi06 - Jesus Christ Superstar (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.