Story Overview: What Can Be Concluded (2024)

Story Overview: What Can Be Concluded (1)

Spoilers Ahead!
Watch out for these spoilers! You might want to check out the series on Battington's channel first!


  • 1 About
  • 2 What We Know So Far
    • 2.1 Victims/Deaths
    • 2.2 Hidden Messages
  • 3 The Whole Story


This page is meant to give a summary of what has happened in the tapes and of the entire Harmony & Horror story.

What We Know So Far[]


So far, there have been a total of 20 deaths (15 victims) in the story. The seven victims of Martin Greywhinder of major characters include: Banzo, Gloria Greywhinder, Arthur Greywhinder, Thomas Greywhinder, Macy Greywhinder, Ava Greywhinder, and Amy Willson. Martin is known to have kidnaped and killed 8 other people as seen in "L0cal_13". The other two deaths or "casualties" are Nathan Barnes and Richard Smith. The order of deaths is not fully clear, but a rough timeline based upon the evidence and small hints given to us can be made. The order is as follows: Banzo, Richard Smith and Nathan Barnes, Amy Willson, Arthur, Tomas, Gloria, Macy, Ava and finally the 8 missing people as seen in "L0cal_13". 3 other children, Marilyn Taylor, Earl McLain and Jennifer Laker were possibly victims of Martin as seen in H4PPY_N3W_FRIEND5, as Arthur might be Martin in disguise. However, this may have been the devil controlling Arthur. Although the 3 kids in H4APPY_NEW_FRIEND5 are killed by a monster called "Uif Foe", Martin may have created this creature while in control of Harmony Toys. Although again, this may have been the devil.

Hidden Messages[]

Story Overview: What Can Be Concluded (2)

My Two Front Teeth - [Harmony & Horror Christmas Special] - Once Sophia is cut off from finishing her song "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth", a goat head starts violently shaking in the background with a group of letters in red text clumped together an a paragraph. A cypher can be used to solve this code, in which every letter in the alphabet that is written down will mean the opposite. For example, the letter Z would become the letter A, and vise-versa. When translated, the message reads "Wear his skin, burn her, take his eyes, rip his arms, take her jaw, eat eat eat". These all refer to each way that the members of the family in the video are killed.

Cypher for "My Two Front Teeth"

Th4t's_All_f0lk5 - In the description of the video, there is a message written in Morse Code. (- .... . / ... .... --- .-- / -- ..- ... - / --. --- / --- -. -.-.-- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .. ... -. .----. - / - .... .- - / .-. .. --. .... - / --. .- -. --. ..--..) Using a translator, the message reads "THE SHOW MUST GO ON!...ISN'T THAT RIGHT GANG?"

The Whole Story[]

Notice from Author,

Before you read, please take into consideration that this overview of the story is solely based off of the information that I know and that has been provided to the community. As said before, please feel free to change or edit anything that is wrong. If any new information comes out about the series that proves parts of my storyline to be incorrect and I have not edited this page in a while, then please do add it into this overview. It would really help a bunch!

I will have to look back over my notes and finish this at a later time as my notes are starting to contradict themselves with a recent rediscovery that I have made. This story will be completed some time in the near future, but for now this is all that I have fully determined to be true. Please be patient as I am only one person. Thank you!

There are other tapes that are not related to Harmony And Horror according to either Battington's own confirmation or the tape's contents themselves.

Two brothers, Martin and Arthur Greywhinder, agree to start a toy company and they name it "M&A Harmony Toys" after each other's first names. Arthur was the owner and Martin was the co-founder and designer of the toys for the company. Sometime before or after doing so (it is unclear), Martin meets/had met Gloria Greywhinder and gets/got married. As seen in THE_MIRACLE_CHILD, Martin was infertile, however somehow, Gloria got pregnant. This suggest that she cheated on him, possibly with her brother, as martin couldn't love a child that was not from their blood line. The first was Thomas and then Macy Greywhinder. After the two it was then the most recent child, Ava Greywhinder.

Martin and Arthur worked great together and lived perfectly normal lives, but their business never seemed to get too much traction. They decided to multitask and started a television broadcast under the title "M&A HarmonyPlay Productions". It was good enough to keep them afloat, but it caused quite a lot of stress for Arthur and Martin to manage all of this at once. As a result, they hire a 21 year old woman named Amy Willson as an intern to help Martin manage the broadcast.

With the TV show on air, Arthur decided to rest easy, however his brother Martin felt the opposite. Martin viewed the TV show as an add-on to help them keep going because his designs and toy ideas were not good enough for the public. It made him feel like it was his fault for the companies' success being so low. This enraged Martin so much that it put him into a state of denial as he began to create and make any ideas that came to mind, trying to "perfect the process".

This was extremely unhealthy for his psyche as he was met with failure after failure until he couldn't take it anymore. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, but always ending up with the same exact one as before. The stress that he was making for himself caused him to become violent and have random outbursts of rage over little things. He even started to abuse and threaten his kids.

The obsession eventually lead to martin making a deal with a demonic entity or even the devil him self to make the perfect toy. The process involved killing people and then skinning their bodies before stuffing their remains in a object like a toy.

The first victim he did this to family dog, Banzo, where he hit the dog on purpose with his car in order to transform him into a more obedient monstrosity. Arthur found about about this and knew about the horrific creations that his brother had been making, so he warned Martin to not do anything drastic like turn the poor dog into one of them. Arthur says in Go0d_By3_ArThur.mp4, "You think that killing it and turning it into one of those monstrosities that I told you would be a bad idea is the way to fix it?". This would seem to imply that this may not be the first time that he has done something like this. Martin, of course, disregards his brother's warning and does so anyway.

After this event, Martin then made a broadcasts to kill children so he could later collect the bodies from where they are buried to use in his experiments. He properly intended to use this on his intern to kill her because she was getting suspicious of his actions.

The broadcast sent out was titled "Making a Toy" or "Ar3_Y0u_HappY? | Lost VHS Tape". Two kids, Richard Smith (8) and Nathan Barnes (6), die from watching the episode. Richard dies from a seizure and Nathan dies from turning his head 180 degrees/snapping his neck. The cause of the deaths was assumedly the two main child protagonists, Andrew and Marcus, singing to the toy maker as one of the steps to "making the perfect toy" in "Ar3_Y0u_HappY? | Lost VHS Tape. As seen in THE_MIRACLE_CHILD Amy described her death after she was reanimated that after she heard "the lullaby", her skin melted Shortly after this, she was killed by Martin by pulling out her spine, as seen in "Ar3_YOu_HappY?" there was a memorial for those killed by Martin during the broadcast. After this, she was turned into a Henry Doll. The police questioned martin as hard in the tape "_Rebirth_" an interview with "Mr. Greywhinder" aka Martin was done by a detective named Mr. Stewart on the whereabouts of Amy however let him go after finding nothing. Martin didn't get away scott free though as he was demoted to the role "mascot performer" by Arthur instead of firing him to keep his brother with the company. The suit he assumed to have performed in was used as his disguise.

While all of this had gone down, 1Arthur went to Gloria Greywhinder - Martin's wife - to talk about the terrible things that Martin had been doing and his suspicions with Martin's recent behavior. They created a plan to take the kids away from Martin until he became stable enough to look after them again. Arthur later confronted Martin in and reviled that he knew what he did with Banzo. The conversation was heard in Go0d_By3_ArThur.mp4. He then explained that he and Gloria would take the kids. However, martin had found about this and then said his most famous quote before shooting Arthur, killing him. He then stuffed him into a new mascot suit, the Ice Cream Man, and reanimating him in it, as at the beginning of the conversation with Arthur he said that the kids would like the Ice cream man. This was presumed to be in revenge for demoting him to mascot performer.

Martin then set out to kill the rest of the family starting with Tomas. Most of this takes place in THE_MIRACLE_CHILD. In I_WaNt_4_T0y.mp4, after Tomas asked martin for a toy repeatedly he set Tomas to his room and said he would "surprise him at midnight." That night, as shown in the segment, "A boy ripped apart", Martin dressed up in his suit and went to Tomas's room door. He then said hello to him and said it was time for his surprise. The "surprise" was the ice cream man which was then used by him to kill Tomas.

The next day, Gloria went to confront Martin as he said he had taken Tomas to school but the school phoned to tell her he had not shown up. However, he said that Arthur demoted him to "Mascot Performer" after the Harmony Broadcast incident. G Gloria then said she knows it upset him and then asked where Tomas was again. Martin then said in a creepy tone, "our son?", before laughing. Gloria then said that Martin is scaring her. Martin then asked how long she could keep the cheating a secret or if he wouldn't find out at all. Gloria replied she didn't know what she didn't know what he is talking about. Martin then asked if Ava and Macy knew. Gloria then told martin to stop it because he is scaring her and that she has talked to Arthur about moving away from him until he is stable. Martin then tauntingly told her that he is gone and had left without them. Gloria, on the verge of tears, asked what he did to Arthur and then again what he did to Tomas. Martin then pulled a gun on Gloria and gave her 10 seconds to gather up the girls and get out of the house. Gloria then ran out the room to get the girls.

This then led into the events of She_C4n't_Sle3p.mp4. She got Macy and tried to get Ava but they were stopped by Banzo. Gloria then hid Macy in a closet. After this, Gloria was shot by Martin. He then started to order Macy to come out. He then broke in the hiding spot of Macy after some effort and killed her.

After this, Martin then sent Banzo to kill Macy as seen in "_Rebirth_". He refused to however and instead Martin killed her by shooting her. He proceeded to turned Macy into a Sofia Doll and Ava into a prototype toy. Martin then scolds Banzo for his actions, calling him "broken" and stating that "He was so close" and "It's not his fault". Instead of turning Gloria into something, he instead destroyed her body somehow for cheating on him, presumably by burning it. Gloria came back as a ghost and tried to manipulate some of the tapes showing the story to get him back to the man she loved. As seen in Ple4se_C0me_B4ck_T0_M3 she confronted Martin and tried to convince him to go back to his old self and see the errors of his ways. Martin did not listen and instead broke the VHS player she possessed, seemingly destroying her. After Macy was turned into the Sofia doll, the devil took control of the ICM and attacked Martin as seen in Hell0_M4rtin. This supposedly killed him and the devil reanimated him in his clown costume as punishment of not for-filling his part of the deal.

Eventually, banzo and ava fused into a large monster called Alpha for an unknown reason before attacking and assumed to have killed 2 police officers sent to arrest Martin for his crimes. After this, the police raided the Gray Winder house and found the severed limbs and skins of 8 people martin had kidnapped. None of the remains of The gray-winder family was found, presumably because of martin deposing of them already. Martin him self was also not found, suggesting he survived and was on the run. Nether Alpha nor the police officers was mentioned suggesting Alpha fled the home and the police officers survived.

During or after this, a night guard was patrolling a H&A Harmony Toys store and was attacked, or attested scared off by, a new monster called the Puppeteer. What the creature was or how it was created was unknown, but it was assumed it was ICM after he broke out of his suit or it was a conglomerate of all the victims Martin had kidnapped and Tomas, as they were seemingly all turned into Henry Dolls. Another Henry doll attempted to sing to the guard but was shot by him. The Puppeteer then attempted to attack the guard but was shot and scared off by the guard.

Some time after, during Christmas of assumed to be 1985, the puppeteer broke into the house of a boy called Eddy. He mistakes it for Santa and took a picture of the creature. This alerted it to Eddy's presence and chased him through the house and back to his room. he hid in a closet, but was found by a Henry doll with the Puppeteer. They surprisingly didn't kill the child for unknown reasons and instead held up in the house with eddy. During this, Eddy took a picture of the Puppeteer which caused it lunge at the camera. The child then apologized and the puppeteer hugged him. The Henry doll then told Eddy how they ended up as they are. They then wrote a poem, telling Eddy how they did not remember their name but the Henry doll's body was not theirs, they then talk about them being in the back stage of somewhere and hearing "the lullaby". The lullaby" caused their skin to melt. They then talk about a figure a coming up to them and telling them to say goodbye, and that it is better this way. The figure then said that everything would be find in they listened to the lullaby. They started to relax after hearing this but then this is when the figure pulled out something. The fact it would rime with spine and the fact that Amy Wilson died by having her spine ripped out suggest this Henry doll contains Amy Wilson. The figure that she was talking about was properly Martin and the lullaby was the song the child protagonists sung.

In 1993, Arthur was later found by the police apparently alive, but with scars on his face that made it "look like it was melting". He was taken to the hospital and underwent facial reconstruction sugary. He then took over H&A Toys, now simply Harmony Toys, and took over the construction of a new building called Harmony Arcadia. After it was complete, he held a speech where he introduced the new building and announced he was apparently not the only one found alive. The 8 kidnapped individuals were apparently found alive as well and came to the speech to re-join their family.

Assumedly following this, newer, updated versions of the toys were made starting with Sofia. She was re-brand as "Magical Sofia", as seen in H4PPY_N3W_FRIEND5! These dolls were apparently made with the main goal of killing or even kidnapping children for an unknown reason. For the commercial, at least 3 children, Marilyn Taylor, Earl McLain and Jennifer Laker were kidnapped and forced to say they liked the doll before being killed off by a monster called Uif Foe, which translates to "the end". Banzo was also renamed to Fuzzy Buddy and made with the same purpose. For the commercial however, no children were not kidnapped. The security puppets, called Henry Security Puppets, were also made to be murderous in nature. However, unlike Fuzzy Buddy, they were incapable of being destroyed by gun fire.

Macy also broke out of her body and entered one of the Magical Sofia dolls for an unknown purpose but to presumably kill people for an unknown purpose.

Its not known what happened after this, but its possible Harmony Toys went bankrupt and was shut down due to criminal repercussions. Assumedly following this, a woman visited the now abandoned Harmony Arcadia and went into a room where she flipped on a light on

It isn't known entirely what became of Thomas as Henry The Puppet Doll besides two possible alternatives:

  1. Thomas became The Puppeteer along with the other 8 kidnapped victims and escaped the factory as this new identity.
  2. Thomas was killed or damaged within the factory by the employee working the night-shift as seen in UIFZ BSF JOTJEF UIF CVJMEJOH.

Gloria Greywhinder have remained silent since the upload of thee 3 new installments of the second season.

Story Overview: What Can Be Concluded (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.