Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (2024)

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Reading some today, and man Albany, you were right about PSU fans Replies to: Reading some today, and man Albany, you were right about PSU fans The sanctions are ridiculous -- penalize players and students who were in 2nd grade when this... Please refrain from giving Albany credit, he is on here enough already, many posts in our future You're surrounded. You're my huckleberry. If you were a PSU fan right now, or if this had happened at ND, what would your reaction be? I would murder the f*ckhead who raped little boys Well sure He'd probably off Mom. If this had happened at ND, I'd do what I did during the Catholic Church abuse cover-up. Both stupid responses. So, everyone is now guilty that is associated with the Catholic Church because of guilty priests? That's not what he implied, but thanks for playing. No problemo. That's actually pretty damned funny. There was a time when I thought you were a closet raging atheist Way less conflicted Well that's good news. Stop Football Forever Why would football be gone in 20 years ? He said college football It amazes me technology hasn't eradicated this issue. There is a viable workaround That would certainly level the playing field for ND Football! Concussions Agree...I favor Aussie rules. Maybe it won't be gone, but That's what I think. I can't get over the lunacy the paterno family's constant unapologetic statements aren't helping I am not blaming Joe Pa for his family Just read the most recent one... I swear I won't be surprised when we find out that Joe had the DA killed Or, that JoPa himself was a pedophile! Have they issued a statement today? Re: Have they issued a statement today? the sad thing is that it didn't have to be this way "How Sandusky was able to get away with his crimes for so long has yet to be fully understood" Well put That's why it is such awful PR I'm just waiting for the "lost" Joe Paterno letter to the DA to emerge P.S.S. Watch out for abuses in sub-prime mortgages. lol The BWI/McAndrew Board is a traditional spawning ground for psycopaths. this is helpful These fans are going to put a lot of pressure on those kids to stay The only thing these people are worried about

Reading some today, and man Albany, you were right about PSU fans

Author:McSweeney(17832 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 1:32 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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PA college fan
Post #609
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The sacrificial lamb of the NCAA--hard to find find positives, but this

No TV ban---can see my Lions destroy the rest of the NCAA favored children on TV--players need to fuel their hatred of this corrupt organization that is all about symbolism onto the playing field. We have a full deck of scholarship players this yr--and they will stick together with OBrien, and soften the blow of the sanctions---if between the students and fans, the gameday atmosphere is as electric as the past, we will be telling the NCAA to collectively stick it, and the players will be fighting to get one of the 15 spots, and walking on as a chance to get to the NFL and be part of the best college FB student body.

Being on TV will help recruiting. The bowl ban and scholarship reductions hurt. The money part I'm not sure about---not sure how the fundraising will go into the future. We'll see who the real Penn Staters are the next four years. It's easy to jump on bandwagon---the real fans will show up now.

This message has been edited 2 time(s).

Replies to: Reading some today, and man Albany, you were right about PSU fans

Thread Level: 2

The sanctions are ridiculous -- penalize players and students who were in 2nd grade when this...

Author:Killshot(13040 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 10:54 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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...all happened. A better penalty would have been the donation of $60 M to a fund for victims rather than to the NCAA coffers. Penalizing 2016 graduates is as dumb as it gets. And I agree with the poster Mac is mocking. He has a healthy attitude.

Thread Level: 2

Please refrain from giving Albany credit, he is on here enough already, many posts in our future

Author:PBHangingChad(15790 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 3:23 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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God save us all

Thread Level: 3

You're surrounded.

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (1)

Author:jimbasil(50000 Posts - Joined: Nov 15, 2007)

Posted at 4:13 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Jack, he is a banker
and Jane, she is a clerk

Thread Level: 3

You're my huckleberry.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 3:33 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 2

If you were a PSU fan right now, or if this had happened at ND, what would your reaction be?

Author:jabbadoody5(19852 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:17 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

aka Cletus

Thread Level: 3

I would murder the f*ckhead who raped little boys

Author:IrishmanTX1989(371 Posts - Joined: Oct 5, 2011)

Posted at 2:29 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

I had a double lung transplant and you didn't

Thread Level: 4

Well sure

Author:jabbadoody5(19852 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:35 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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But after you've murdered the raper and the HC and the AD and the University President, then what?

aka Cletus

Thread Level: 5

He'd probably off Mom.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:37 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Actually she would be first.

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 3

If this had happened at ND, I'd do what I did during the Catholic Church abuse cover-up.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:25 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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I'd leave and never look back.

This message has been edited 1 time(s).

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 4

Both stupid responses.

Author:Killshot(13040 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 11:03 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Thread Level: 4

So, everyone is now guilty that is associated with the Catholic Church because of guilty priests?

Author:Damian(94 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 3:32 pm on Jul 23, 2012

Does that make everyone guilty that lives in Pennsylvania for what happened at PSU?

Thread Level: 5

That's not what he implied, but thanks for playing.

Author:McSweeney(17832 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 4:03 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Albany expects a certain level of accountability at the highest levels from institutions, whether that be PSU, ND or the Vatican. Penn State's pass-the-buck enabling was eerily and tragically similar to the Catholic Church hierarchy, which disgusted Albany and pushed him out of the Church. The culpability or lack thereof of other Catholics is immaterial.

Full disclosure: I'm a 40-year Cradle Catholic who finally left the Church six months ago for the very same reasons as Albany. The difference between us being I still look back with some regret and am not a closet raging atheist (sorry Albany) who tries way too hard to bash Christianity.

Thread Level: 6

No problemo.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 4:31 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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I'm done bashing organized religion, as long as those religions and those that follow them stay out of my life. Good luck to you.

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (2)

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 7

That's actually pretty damned funny.

Author:NedoftheHill(41661 Posts - Joined: Jun 29, 2011)

Posted at 2:22 pm on Jul 24, 2012

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More ammo for you...

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (3)

This message has been edited 1 time(s).

Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.

Thread Level: 6

There was a time when I thought you were a closet raging atheist

Author:jabbadoody5(19852 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 4:07 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Based on this post I'm assuming you are less conflicted now. Is that a fair assumption?

aka Cletus

Thread Level: 7

Way less conflicted

Author:McSweeney(17832 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 4:21 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Thanks to the right pastor and the right faith community--a contemporary non-denominational Protestant church of all things--I've managed to find a place for Christ in my life. They've even asked me to be on the church's leadership team, which was flattering, scary and hilarious all at once. I declined of course, as on a couple key issues I'm still a bit heretical. There's my fondness for gays of course, plus my inability to read the words "the Holy Bible is a perfect treasure of divine instruction and truth without any mixture of error" without laughing out loud.

Thread Level: 8

Well that's good news.

Author:jabbadoody5(19852 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 4:54 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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That whole struggling over your religious beliefs thing can be rough but if you can come out on the other side with some clarity, it's totally worth it.

aka Cletus

Thread Level: 3

Stop Football Forever

Author:Flanner525(2542 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:24 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Seriously. If it can harbor this, it is too powerful and too damaging to the other missions of the university. I believe college football might be gone in 20 years anyway.

Thread Level: 4

Why would football be gone in 20 years ?

Author:IrishmanTX1989(371 Posts - Joined: Oct 5, 2011)

Posted at 2:31 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

I had a double lung transplant and you didn't

Thread Level: 5

He said college football

Author:jabbadoody5(19852 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:34 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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and I think you can see how that may happen as the conferences realign and as the argument for paying players gets louder.

But I suppose the case could be made for football in general. The concussion problems are not going to just go away.

aka Cletus

Thread Level: 6

It amazes me technology hasn't eradicated this issue.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:36 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 7

There is a viable workaround

Author:Iggle(11418 Posts - Joined: Sep 14, 2007)

Posted at 2:51 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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But it is still in Beta Test

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (4)

Thread Level: 8

That would certainly level the playing field for ND Football!

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 3:01 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 5


Author:Flanner525(2542 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:32 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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To quote Catwoman, "There's a storm coming" and college football doesn't have big salaries to hide behind.

Thread Level: 6

Agree...I favor Aussie rules.

Author:Killshot(13040 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 11:07 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Thread Level: 6

Maybe it won't be gone, but

Author:IrishmanTX1989(371 Posts - Joined: Oct 5, 2011)

Posted at 2:34 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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it will be changed greatly

I had a double lung transplant and you didn't

Thread Level: 4

That's what I think.

Author:jabbadoody5(19852 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:28 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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I know it must be hard for some of these fans to just move on from the program, as it would be for me, but I imagine that's what I would end up doing. I can't really get into the mind of the guys that are hanging on for dear life.

aka Cletus

Thread Level: 2

I can't get over the lunacy

Author:JTLA(3477 Posts - Joined: Jan 15, 2008)

Posted at 1:58 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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IF PSU has real leadership, they should step up and double the penalties today.

This story has been a real PR lesson. Someone inside PSU needs to change the story. Right now the national story is:

PSU was dirty and needs to be punished.
PSU fans still don't get it.

Change the story to: PSU goes beyond NCAA sanctions to self impose penalties

THAT is the only way the school will begin to repair it's image and people will stop hating them. If they don't do this, they will be the butt of jokes and scorn for many many years.

Keep fighting it PSU fans, I love it.

Thread Level: 3

the paterno family's constant unapologetic statements aren't helping

Author:ChicagoIrish(7717 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:04 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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I guess those closest to a cult leader are the last to have their eyes opened

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Thread Level: 4

I am not blaming Joe Pa for his family

Author:Fisher01(6374 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:19 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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If anything, those psychopaths almost make me feel sorry for him.

While he was dying amid the scandal, they were trying to negotiate use of a private jet, and a skybox in Beaver Stadium next to the President to be used by the family for life.

Then come the statements denying any and all guilt. They could show some quiet reservation, but chose not to. What a bunch of spoiled, worthless idiots who would could at least show their father/husband some frigging dignity. It if wasn't for him, they would all be sitting on the side of the road advertising sexual favors for $5.

Thread Level: 4

Just read the most recent one...

Author:JTLA(3477 Posts - Joined: Jan 15, 2008)

Posted at 2:11 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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It's a true and total PR lesson and the media loves it. This story needs antagonists, and they are doing a fantastic job.

What I love about this is that they arrogance embedded in the statement says "Joe wasn't consulted on this". THAT'S BEEN THE PROBLEM. Joe shouldn't have been in charge of anything, he was an employee not a monarch. They are asking for everyone to wait for a long drawn out legal battle to decide. Trust me, the last thing ANYONE wants is a long drawn out legal battle. The bean counters at PSU know this.


Thread Level: 5

I swear I won't be surprised when we find out that Joe had the DA killed

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (5)

Author:ShowMeIrish(8996 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:12 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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This is going to be a great movie

Slightly better than a Mexican

Thread Level: 6

Or, that JoPa himself was a pedophile!

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (6)

Author:guiness4everyone(2128 Posts - Joined: Jan 19, 2011)

Posted at 12:41 am on Jul 25, 2012

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(no message)

Thread Level: 4

Have they issued a statement today?

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (7)

Author:ShowMeIrish(8996 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:06 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Watching the kid call his dad "Joe Paterno" over and over is creepy. I call my dad, dad, not Steve ShowmeIrish

Slightly better than a Mexican

Thread Level: 5

Re: Have they issued a statement today?

Author:Flanner525(2542 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:08 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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They could not be handling this worse.

Statement by the Paterno Family in response to the NCAA Sanctions:

Sexual abuse is reprehensible, especially when it involves children, and no one starting with Joe Paterno condones or minimizes it. The horrific acts committed by Jerry Sandusky shock the conscience of every decent human being. How Sandusky was able to get away with his crimes for so long has yet to be fully understood, despite the claims and assertions of the Freeh report.

The release of the Freeh report has triggered an avalanche of vitriol, condemnation and posthumous punishment on Joe Paterno. The NCAA has now become the latest party to accept the report as the final word on the Sandusky scandal. The sanctions announced by the NCAA today defame the legacy and contributions of a great coach and educator without any input from our family or those who knew him best.

That the President, the Athletic Director and the Board of Trustees accepted this unprecedented action by the NCAA without requiring a full due process hearing before the Committee on Infractions is an abdication of their responsibilities and a breach of their fiduciary duties to the University and the 500,000 alumni. Punishing past, present and future students of the University because of Sandusky’s crimes does not serve justice. This is not a fair or thoughtful action; it is a panicked response to the public's understandable revulsion at what Sandusky did.

The point of due process is to protect against this sort of reflexive action. Joe Paterno was never interviewed by the University or the Freeh Group. His counsel has not been able to interview key witnesses as they are represented by counsel related to ongoing litigation. We have had no access to the records reviewed by the Freeh group. The NCAA never contacted our family or our legal counsel. And the fact that several parties have pending trials that could produce evidence and testimony relevant to this matter has been totally discounted.

Unfortunately all of these facts have been ignored by the NCAA, the Freeh Group and the University.

Mara Vandlik

Account Director

McGinn and Company

Link: Train Wreck PR

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Thread Level: 6

the sad thing is that it didn't have to be this way

Author:ChicagoIrish(7717 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:37 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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with Joe dead, he won't have to answer any more questions and won't face trial for perjury. So, unless you open your mouth and say newly stupid sh*t, any damage is done. This should be an opportunity to start the repair process and manage the message, instead of playing defensive and shifting any blame. This thing is not going to blow over with people waking up to re-realize what a great man Joe Paterno was. That's over.

But, if you're the family, you can sound contrite and sympathetic to the victims and publicly accept any punishment that is handed down. And, you can promise to help victims of sex abuse somehow. Maybe start by donating some of those ($5.5) millions that Joe took last fall in his buyout.

You can't make things right for the victims or their families, but you can act like you'd like to try and that Joe would have wanted it that way, because he was such a "great man" and "educator." At the very least, you could shut your f*cking mouths for 2 seconds or trying releasing a statement for once that isn't portraying a dead person as one of the victims here.

This message has been edited 1 time(s).

Thread Level: 6

"How Sandusky was able to get away with his crimes for so long has yet to be fully understood"

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (8)

Author:ShowMeIrish(8996 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:11 pm on Jul 23, 2012

View Single is pretty well understood by everyone but you guys...

Slightly better than a Mexican

Thread Level: 7

Well put

Author:JTLA(3477 Posts - Joined: Jan 15, 2008)

Posted at 2:22 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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I'd like to know how they think it happened.

I'm sure everyone was well meaning and intentioned. The paperwork must have just gotten lost in the shuffle. Aw shucks.

Wait, I'm thinking out loud as I'm typing this.

IF IF IF IF the family thinks Joe is not to blame. The only culprit left is the UNIVERSITY system. If Joe did all he could then the president, AD, and all conspired against Joe's wishes to keep Sandusky from being exposed. They deserve all the punishment they should get.

Thread Level: 8

That's why it is such awful PR

Author:Flanner525(2542 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:27 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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The punishment was against Penn State, not Paternos (unless you count the wins thing). They should say -- well, nothing -- but if they must talk say, The University deserves punishment for not acting on the information they were given.
Done. 10,000 times better than what they said. Instead they are asking for more blame on Paternos on a day they aren't involved. And they attack Freeh? Good God, what fools.

Thread Level: 7

I'm just waiting for the "lost" Joe Paterno letter to the DA to emerge

Author:Flanner525(2542 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:20 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Dear DA -
I think maybe Jerry Sandusky is a bad guy. Please arrest him.
Joe Pa

PS - Should we maybe look into preventing terrorists from taking over planes and flying them into buildings?

Thread Level: 8

P.S.S. Watch out for abuses in sub-prime mortgages.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:32 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 9


Author:JTLA(3477 Posts - Joined: Jan 15, 2008)

Posted at 2:37 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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(no message)

Thread Level: 2

The BWI/McAndrew Board is a traditional spawning ground for psycopaths.

Author:AlbanyIRISH(24507 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 1:55 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Kind of reminds me of when Rocket Ismail played for Notre Dame
Invincibility with no vulnerability

Thread Level: 2

this is helpful

Author:ChicagoIrish(7717 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 1:43 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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When the "real fans" show up, we can use this opportunity to identify people who support the cover up of child sex abuse. I don't ever want to accidentally befriend or hire a "real" Penn State fan.

Thread Level: 3

These fans are going to put a lot of pressure on those kids to stay

Author:Flanner525(2542 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:02 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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Hopefully the ones that do transfer will not be villainized by these crazies. I have this suggestion for any player who wishes to leave Penn State and does not want anyone to criticize him, simply make the following statement:

"I could not bring myself to shower in there."

Thread Level: 4

The only thing these people are worried about

Author:hawkmurph(242 Posts - Original UHND Member)

Posted at 2:34 pm on Jul 23, 2012

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is their Saturday afternoon tailgate being ruined. They could care less about victims or student athletes.

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football & Recruiting // (2024)
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