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Blood Haze Demon

You make your blood boil, making you faster and more ferocious. For 1 round per two caster levels, you gain the effects of the Haste spell. Additionally, every time you reduce a creature below zero HP, you prolong the effect. If the killed creature had more HD than your caster level, the duration is increased by 3 rounds. Otherwise, it is increased by 1 round.

2 Consume Fear Demon

You make the target appear more intimidating, while making it possible to feed on fear. The target gains a bonus on Persuasion checks made to intimidate equal to your caster level. Every round the target is healed for 1 hp for every shaken or frightened enemy in 30 feet radius.

When the spell is cast, every enemy in 10 feet around the target must make a Will saving throw or be frightened for 1d4 rounds.

2 Demonic Form I Demon This spell allows you to polymorph into a form of a babau, brimorak or schir for 1 minute per caster level. 2 Flames of the Abyss Demon You conjure abyssal energies to empower your attacks. The next two attacks, plus one additional attack per 5 caster levels above 7 (one at CL 12, two at CL 17) deal additional 1d6 unholy damage per 2 caster levels. Alternatively, you can use on of the charges to make a range touch attack as a standard action, dealing the same amount of damage. 2 Channel Rage Demon You can only use this spell while in Demonic Rage. As a standard action, you grant the target effects of Demonic Rage for 1 round per caster level. 3 Demonic Form II Demon This spell allows you to polymorph into a form of a derakni, kalavakus or nabasu for 1 minute per caster level. 3 Morbid Restoration Demon The target is healed for 2d8 plus caster level plus additional 1d8 hit points for every dead creature in 30 feet radius. 3 Profane Hymn Demon Every enemy in 40 feet radius receives a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls, caster level checks to overcome spell resistance, concentration checks, and all saving throws. 3 Telekinetic Strike Demon You create an invisible force, which damages the enemy for 1d6 damage per caster level. The target then makes a Fortitude save. If it is failed, the target becomes prone and you either push or pull it with a Combat Maneuver, using your caster level in place of BAB and casting stat in place of Strength. 3 Abyssal Chains Demon This spell creates abyssal chains that begin that damage and bind your enemies.\nThe chains deal 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage per caster level to the primary target, and entangle it for the number of rounds equal to caster level. After they strike, the chains continue their way to a number of secondary targets equal to your caster level. The secondary chains each strike one target and deal as much damage as the primary one and entangle the targets.\nEach target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage and to ignore the entangling effect. Secondary targets must be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. 4 Abyssal Skin Demon You gain resistance to blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes. The caster gains DR 10/cold iron and good. It ignores the first 10 points of damage each time it takes damage from a weapon. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged. 4 Channel Rage Communal Demon You can only use this spell while in Demonic Rage. As a standard action, you grant the effects of Demonic Rage to all allies in 30 feet range for 1 round per caster level. 4 Demonic Form III Demon This spell allows you to polymorph into a form of a glabrezu, vrock or nalfeshnee for 1 minute per caster level. 4 Teleport Demon As a move action, you teleport to any point up to long distance. 4 Infectious Rage Demon All enemies in 30 feet radius make a Will saving throw. If it fails, they become enraged, gaining bonuses as from your Demonic Rage, but they also attack the nearest target. The duration is 1 round per caster level, but affected enemies can make a saving throw each round to end the effect. 4 Abyssal Storm Demon You create a devastating storm of abyssal energies, which deals 1d6 electricity and 1d6 unholy damage per caster level to every creature in 40 feet radius around you. 5 Demonic Form IV Demon This spell allows you to polymorph into a form of a balor, vavakia, gallu or marilith for 1 minute per caster level. 5 Devour Demon Whenever you hit the target with a melee touch attack, it makes a Fortitude saving throw. If it is successful, the target suffers 1d6 damage per caster level. If the saving throw failed, the damage is increased to 3d6 damage per caster level. If the damage kills the target, you regain 10 hit points per caster level. 5 Lifebane Demon Target's main weapon becomes +5 Living Bane weapon for one round per level as a swift action. 5 Telekinetic Burst Demon This spell acts as Telekinetic Strike, but affects all enemies in 30 feet radius around the caster.\nTelekinetic Strike: You create an invisible force, which damages the enemy for 1d6 damage per caster level. The target then makes a Fortitude save. If it is failed, the target becomes prone and you either push or pull it with a Combat Maneuver, using your caster level in place of BAB and casting stat in place of Strength. 5 Ode to Miraculous Magic Azata Azata inspires party members. This spell grants party members a +4 morale bonus on checks to overcome spell resistance, and increase the saving throw DC of their spells that require a Will saving throw by 2. 2 Rejuvenating Poem Azata This spell removes fatigue and exhausted effects from all party members. 2 Voice of Renewal Azata Azata invokes voices of a renewal. This spell damages all enemies within 30 feet area by 1d6 + 1 sonic damage per caster level, while channeling positive energy that cures allies for 1d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level. 3 Nature's Grasp Azata An enemy has to pass a Reflex saving throw or be ensnared in tree roots. While in this state, the enemy cannot move, and has a 50% miss chance on all attacks, as if all their opponents had total concealment. Each round enemy tries to pass another Reflex saving throw to break free. If the save fails, the enemy suffers 1d6 + half the Azata's caster level bludgeoning damage. 3 Optimistic Smile Azata Azata's smile encourages optimism. This spell removes all fear, confusion, compulsion, shaken, and frightened effect form party members and grants an immunity to fear till the end of combat. 3 Rainbow Dome Azata With this spell, Azata chooses to create one of 5 possible 10-feet rainbow domes. While within it, party members get immunity either to fire, to cold, to acid, to electricity or sonic damage by her choice. 3 Chaotic Healing Azata Azata channels positive energy that cures all allies in 30 feet area for 2d8 +1 point per caster level points of damage, and grants them randomly an effect from one of her following spells: Rejuvenating Poem, Optimistic Smile or Believe in Yourself. 4 Deadly Beauty Azata Azata covers herself in flowers with tiny bees. She gets DR 5/Adamantine. Any creature that makes a successful melee attack against Azata takes 1d6 + her caster level points of piercing damage. 4 Waterfall Azata Azata creates a waterfall, the affected creature suffers a 1d10 bludgeoning damage per 4 Azata's caster levels and has to pass a Fortitude saving throw or be knocked down for 1 roundand becomeweak to cold for 1 minute per Azata's caster level. 4 Friendly Hug Azata This spell removes all negative levels from the target, while also granting them immunity to energy drain and mind-affecting effects for 1 min per Azata's caster level. 5 Second Breath Azata Azata uses this spell to restore all companions' ability uses to the maximum amount. 5 Sudden Squall Azata Azata creates a 15-feet cone of wind dealing 3d6 + her caster levelsonicdamage to all enemies inside it. Every affected enemy has to pass a Fortitude saving throw or become disoriented and unable to cast any spells for 1d3 rounds. 5 Joy of Life Azata Azata summons the power of Life itself. Azata and her companions' attacks become sacred for 1 round per 2 caster levels. This spell restores all companions spell slots up to 5th level, however it doesn't affect Azata's Mythic Spell book. 6 Protection of Nature Azata Azata enwelops her and her companions in a shroud of swirling leaves. Under this effect, all attacks against Azata and her companions suffer a 50% miss chance. You become immune to cold damage, whenever an enemy casts a spells cast against you, they suffer 1d6 sonic damage per 5 Azata's caster levels. 6 Songs of Steel Azata This spell grants the target additional 2d6 + Azata's caster level sonic damage for their first weapon attack during a round, a +2 bonus to caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance, a +2 bonus to all concentration checks, and rises the DC of the saving throws against all their spells and abilities by 2. 6 Winds of the Fall Azata Azata creates a 30-feet cone of leaves that deals 1d10 slashing damage per 2 caster levels to all creatures within the cone. A creature who suffers damage from this spell has to pass a Will saving throw or become intoxicated for 1 round per caster level. Whenever the creature under this effect makes a roll, it rolls twice and chooses the worst result. A successful saving throw reduces the duration of this effect to 1 round. 6 Water Torrent Azata Azata summons a wave of water. It deals 6d6 bludgeoning damage to all enemies in the area. Every affected enemy has to pass a Fortitude saving throw or be knocked down, slowed down and become vulnerable to bludgeoning damage for 1d6 rounds. All allies affected by this wave are cleansed from all of the following conditions: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazzled, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, and sickened. 7 Heroes Never Surrender Azata This spell affects all companions. It removes fatigue, exhaustion, all negative levels, restores all abilities and spell slots up to level 7. This spell doesn't affect Azata's Mythic Spellbook. 7 Rainbow Arrows Azata Azata creates a rainbow arrow that jumps from target to target up to one time per 4 caster levels, dealing 1d12 per 2 caster levels damage with one energy randomly chosen between acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sound. 7 Revolt Azata Azata shouts out, dealing 4d6 + her caster level sonic damage to all creatures within a 30-feet range. This shout encourages a revolt within the enemy ranks. All affected enemies have to pass a Will saving throw or start to attack the strongest among them. Each round they try to pass a new Will save to end the effect. If an enemy successfuly saves and ends the Revolt effect, they suffer 4d6 + Azata's casting level sonic damage each round for 1d6 rounds as inner voices shout within making them regret what they had done. 7 Unbreakable Bond Azata Under the effect of this spell, all companions become immune to mind-affecting, charm, fear, compulsion, emotion, shaken, confusion effects. They also get a +3 luck bonus on all saving throws and DR 5/- while they are in a 10 feet range from Azata. 7 Crystal Mind Aeon You clear an ally's mind from corrupting thoughts. You dispel rage, fear, emotion, confusion and morale effects, and give the target immunity to fear and emotion effects for 1 round per mythic rank. 2 Edict of Retaliation Aeon As a swift action, you make the enemy suffer from his actions. Every time the target attacks, it is dealt 1d6 + CL/2 damage. Every time the target casts a spell or spell-like ability, it is dealt 2d6 + CL damage. The effect lasts for 1 round per 4 caster levels. 2 Equal Force Aeon You make your allies attacks more uniform. Full BAB attacks made by the target get a -2 penalty, but all attacks with BAB-10 or worse get a +5 bonus on attack rolls. The effect lasts for 10 minutes per caster level. 2 Edict of Nonresistance Aeon As a swift action, you order the enemy to stop all resistance. If the target fails a Will saving throw, it becomes dazed for 1 round per caster level. 3 Relativity Aeon You make the flow of time favor allies and disrupt opponent's actions. Your allies gain the benefits of the Haste spell effect, while enemies are affected by Slow spell effect. 3 Starlight Aeon You create an area of starlight around yourself. All invisibility effects on enemies in the area are suppressed, and attacks against your allies in the area suffer from a 20% miss chance. 3 Edict of Predetermination Aeon As a swift action, you make the target roll 11 on all d20 rolls for the number of rounds equal to your caster level divided by 4. 4 True Form Aeon You dispel petrification and enemy's transmutation spells and effects from the target. 4 Uncertainty Principle Aeon For 1 round per caster level you gain 50 miss chance. Additionally, while the spell is in effect, you can teleport to any point in close range as a swift action. 4 Edict of Perseverance Aeon As a swift action, you suppress any negative mental or physical effects on the target for 1 round per 5 caster levels. 5 Supernova Aeon You create a raging supernova for the number of rounds equal to your caster levels. Each affected target must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or become blinded for caster level rounds. Each round all targets in the area are dealt 2d6+Caster level fire and Divine damage (Reflex half). 5 Zero State Aeon You try to dispel every effect from every creature in 30ft radius, gaining +10 in the caster level check to dispel. 5 Edict of Impenetrable Fortress Aeon As a swift action, you grant your target Invulnerability to any physical damage for 1 round per 5 caster levels. 6 Embodiment of Order Aeon You grant the target the effect of the Shield of Law spell, as well as resistance to fire, electricity, cold and acid for 10 minutes per caster level. Additionally, when the spell is cast you also cast Dictum on the same target. 6 Freezing Nothingness Aeon You trap the target in solid ice. If the creature fails its save, it is paralyzed, if the target makes its save, it gains the entangled condition and cannot cast spells. Whether or not the target saves, it takes 2d6 cold damage and 2d6 divine each round it is paralyzed or entangled in the ice. A creature can break the ice with a successful Strength check each round after receiving the effect (DC 15 + your caster level). 6 Zone of Predetermination Aeon You create a zone, where every creature rolls 11 on every d20 roll they make. The zone lasts for 1 round per 4 caster levels. 6 Edict of Invulnerability Aeon As a swift action, you grant all allies in 30ft radius the effects of the Edict of Impenetrable Fortress and Edict of Perseverance abilities for 1 round per 5 caster level. 7 Summon Monster Zero Trickster This spell summons an extraplanar murder pony to your side for one minute. 1 Bear's Grace Trickster If the target of this spell fails its Will saving throw, it is granted the grace of a bear, giving it a -8 penalty to Dexterity. 2 Fish Missile Trickster You launch a smelly, slimy, putrid fish at your enemy as a ranged touch attack. The fish deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage, plus and additional 1d6 per two caster levels you have above the first. On a successful hit, the target must make a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. 2 Summon Small Beer Elemental Trickster This spell summons a Small Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 2 Glorious Beard Trickster

This spell causes a glorious beard to erupt from the face of a willing target. The beard grants a +2 natural armor bonus to AC, and DR 5/slashing.

Additionally, it makes you look so glorious!

3 Hallucinogenic Cloud Trickster Hallucinogenic Cloud creates a bank of fog like that created by fog cloud, except that the vapors are hallucinogenic. Creatures in the cloud become confused. This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves (roll separately for each confused character)/ Any creature that succeeds on its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round. This is a mind-affecting effect. 3 Invisibility,Almost Greater Trickster This spell functions like greater invisibility, but... not so great. Instead of not ending after an offensive action, it ends with a chance equal to 5% plus 5% per attack you made during the invisibility. 3 Summon Medium Beer Elemental Trickster This spell summons a Medium Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 3 Summon Greasly Bear Trickster This spell summons a Greasly Bear for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 4 Summon Large Beer Elemental Trickster This spell summons a Large Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 4 Microscopic Proportions Trickster You call upon the primordial power of ancient microfauna to shrink the size of your target. Your target shrinks to microscopic proportions, decreasing in size by two categories. The target gains a +6 size bonus to its Dexterity score. 5 Phantasmal Healer Trickster You summon a Phantasmal Healer, who stays in place for a number of rounds, equal one per every four caster levels. Each round it heals every living creature in 30 feet radius for 1d6 per four caster levels. The creatures make a Will saving throw to halve the amount. 5 Rain of Halberds Trickster You create a rain of halberds, making an attack roll against every creature in 10 feet radius. A successful attack deals 1d10 points of slashing and piercing damage per caster level, and can critically strike. 5 Summon Greater Beer Elemental Trickster This spell summons a Greater Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 5 Charm Whatever Trickster You can make any creature fight on your side as if it was your ally. It will attack your opponents to the best of its ability. However this creature will try to throw off the domination effect, making a Will save each round. 6 Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard Trickster This spell summons a powerful Wizard, who is, for some mysterious reason, perpetually annoyed. The summoned wizard appears where you designate and acts according to his initiative check results. He attacks his opponents to the best of his ability. 6 Summon Elder Beer Elemental Trickster This spell summons an Elder Beer Elemental for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 6 Recreational Pit Trickster

You create an extra-dimensional comfy hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 30 feet) and a trampoline at the bottom. Since the pit extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material. You can create the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the ground of a forest.

Any large or smaller creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to not jump to safety in the pit. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a Reflex saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect.

Creatures who fall into the pit take no falling damage (the trampoline is really handy).

Each round any creature in the pit is healed for 3d6 as extra-dimensional entities heal their wounds and make massage.\nTo climb the pit's soft and cozy walls, a creature need a successful Athletics or Mobility skill check with a DC of 25. When the duration of the spell ends, creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round.

6 Ray of Halberds Trickster You blast your enemies with a stream of halberds. You fire one halberd per two caster levels. Each halberds requires a ranged attack to hit and deals 1d10 + Charisma modifier damage. 7 Summon Hog of Desolation Trickster This spells summons a cute little piglet for one round per caster level. The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks its opponents to the best of its ability. 7 Trick Fate Trickster When the fate gives your friend a challenge — you respond with a special die.\nFor three rounds, the target ally always rolls 20 on all d20 rolls. 7 Grant Repose Angel You make a touch attack against any undead creature. If it fails a Will saving throw, it is immediately destroyed. If the target succeeds, it is dealt 2d6 damage plus 1 damage per 2 caster levels. 3 Shield from Demonkind Angel For one minute per caster level, any time the target is attacked by a demon, the demon is dealt 1d6 points of damage plus 1 damage per two caster levels. Additionally, the target gains deflection bonus to AC equal to 2 plus 1 per six caster levels. 3 Ward from Disease Angel The target gains immunity to diseases for 10 minutes per caster level. 3 Blade of the Sun Angel You create a 60 feet long line of holy energy, dealing 1d8 holy damage per two caster levels to all targets on the line. 4 Pure Form Angel You heal yourself for 1d8 hit points per caster level and automatically dispel any negative effects on yourself. 4 Repel the Profane Angel This spell affects all undead creatures, evil outsiders and divine casters devoted to evil deities. If the target fails a Will saving throw, it's frightened for 1 round per caster level. If the saving throw is successful, the target is shaken for one round. This spell ignores immunity to fear effects. 4 Ward from Disease Communal Angel All allies in 20 feet radius gain immunity to diseases for 10 minutes. 4 Ward from Unclean Angel The target gains immunity to nauseated and sickened conditions, diseases and poisons for 10 minutes per caster level. 4 Cleansing Flames Angel Every enemy in the radius of the spell is dealt 1d6 holy damage per caster level. Allies are dealt 1 holy damage per caster level, but are automatically healed from any ability score damage, blindness, confusion, and dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated and sickened conditions. Additionally, it tries to dispel all diseases, poisons and curses from the allies. 5 Ward from Harm Angel The target gains immunity to nauseated and sickened conditions, diseases, poisons, ability damage and ability drain for 10 minutes. 5 Ward from Unclean, Communal Angel All allies in 20 feet radius gain immunity to nauseated and sickened conditions, diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. 5 Bolt of Justice Angel You release a powerful stroke of energy that deals 1d6 points of holy damage per caster level. The target needs to make a successful Reflex saving throw, or become prone.\nIf the target is evil, the spell instead deals 1d8 points of holy damage per caster level. The target needs to make a successful Reflex saving throw, or become prone and suffer a -2 penalty to AC, attack rolls and saving throws.\nIf the target is an evil outsider or an undead creature, the spell instead deals 1d10 points of holy damage per caster level. The target needs to make a successful Reflex saving throw, or become prone and suffer a -4 penalty to AC, attack rolls and saving throws.\nIf the target is a demon lord, an evil dragon or a lord of undead (a powerful undead creature like liches, undead dragons, nightshades and similar), the spell instead deals 1d12 points of holy damage per caster level. The target suffers a -4 penalty to AC, attack rolls and saving throws. It also needs to make a successful Reflex saving throw, or become prone. 6 Aegis of the Faithful Angel This blessing targets one ally in close range. The ally is granted the combined effect of Shield, Shield of Faith, Protection From Arrows, Displacement and Resist Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid and Sonic spells for one minute per caster level. 6 Holy Hymn Angel You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and each of your allies gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -2 penalty on such rolls. 6 Ward from Harm Communal Angel The target gains immunity to nauseated and sickened conditions, diseases, poisons, ability damage and ability drain for 10 minutes. 6 Ward from Weakness Angel The target gains immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, nauseated and sickened conditions, diseases, poisons, ability damage and ability drain for 10 minutes. 6 Radiant Ground Angel You create a 20 feet radius area for a number of rounds equal to your caster level. Each round every creature in the area is healed for 1d6 hit points per two caster levels. 7 Sun Marked Angel For one minute per caster level, the target's attacks deal addition 1d6 holy damage per four caster levels, and any creature striking the target in melee deals normal damage, but also takes 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point per caster level. 7 Wall of Light Angel You create a wall of light, which deals 1d6 points of holy damage per caster level to any evil creature going through it. It grants any good or neutral creature gains an ability to deal 2d6 additional holy damage with their next attack. If a good or neutral creature charges through the wall, it instead deals 1d6 holy damage per caster level with their next attack. 7 Ward from Weakness Communal Angel All allies in 20 feet radius gain immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, nauseated and sickened conditions, diseases, poisons, ability damage and ability drain for 10 minutes. 7 Storm of Justice Angel This spell functions like bolt of justice, except it affects multiple creatures. 8 Avenger's Blessing Angel This spell targets an ally in close range. The target gains the combined effect of Divine Power, Holy Aura and Greater Heroism spells for one round per caster level 8 Gale of life Angel This spell works as Breath of Life, but affects all allies in 20 feet radius. 8 Solar Chains Angel A creature targeted by this spell is held immobile by glowing golden chains composed of pure sunlight. For a number of rounds equal to your caster level, the creature is paralyzed, held in place, and is dealt 4d6 damage plus 1 damage per caster level every round. It may attempt a new saving throw each round to end the effect. If the initial saving throw is successful, the target is staggered for one round and is dealt the same amount of damage. 8 Bring Back Angel This spell restores 10 HP per caster level.\nUnlike other spells that heal damage, bring back can bring recently slain creatures back to life. If cast upon a creature that has died within 1 round, apply the healing from this spell to the creature. If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life with this spell gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day. 9 Fortress of the Faithful Angel This spell works as Aegis of the Faithful, but affects all allies in 20 feet radius and lasts for 1 hour. 9 Sun Form Angel For the next number of rounds equal to your caster level, you become incorporeal and gain the ability to shoot rays of holy fire as a swift action, dealing 1d6 damage per caster level, half of which is fire and half is holy. 9 Wrath of the Righteous Angel All demons in 40 feet radius around the caster make a Will saving throw. If it's failed, the demon is dealt 10 damage per caster level. If the saving throw is successful, the demon is dealt 1d6 damage per caster level. 9 Corrupted Blood Lich You are nauseated. Additionally, if you die, you deal 6d6 damage to all creatures in 15 feet radius and apply Corrupted Blood to them. 3 Mastery of Flesh Lich You know how to deal with both mortal and immortal flesh. When used against an enemy, this spell deals 4d8 + caster level damage to living targets and 2d8 + caster level to undead targets. When used on an ally, it instead heals undead targets for 4d8 + caster level and living targets for 2d8 + caster level. 3 Power from Death Lich You know how to gain strength from fallen allies and enemies alike. You gain +1 to attack rolls, saving throws and damage rolls for every dead creature in 30 feet radius up to maximum of 3 + 1 per five caster levels. If the bonus is +3 or higher you additionally gain effects of the haste spell. 3 Consume Undead Lich You siphon the power of unlife from the target undead creature. If it's an enemy, it is dealt 1d8 damage per caster level, and you are healed for the same amount. If it's an ally, the damage is maximized to 8 damage per caster level. 4 Vampiric Blade Lich You weapon becomes bloodthirsty. It deals 1d6 + caster level additional damage, healing the wielder for the same amount. 4 Eyes of the Bodak Lich Your eyes become filled with unthinkable horrors. For 1 round per caster level, you gain a gaze, giving your enemies in 30 feet a negative level each round. 4 Bone Explosion Lich Target's bones explode in the body. If the target fails a Fortitude saving throw, it receives 6 damage per caster level, and all creatures in a 20 feet radius receive 1d6 damage per caster level (Reflex save halves). If the Fortitude saving throw is successful, the target receives 1d6 damage per caster level, and all creatures in a 20 feet radius receive 1 damage per caster level instead (Reflex save halves). 5 Deny Death Lich You place a ward, guarding the target from death. For the next 10 minutes per level if the target dies, it is instead saved, but paralyzed until the end of battle. 5 Exsanguinate Lich You force the target's blood to overflow in its body. The target receives 1d6 damage per caster level, and makes a Fortitude saving throw. If it fails, the target receives 1d6 Strength damage and 2d6 bleed damage. 5 Repurpose Lich You mark a target with a curse of servitude. For 1 round per two caster levels, the target is dealt 1d6 damage per round. If the target dies during the effect, it is revived after death as an undead creature under your command. 5 Bone Shield Lich You gain +6 shield bonus to AC and immunity to critical hits. 6 False Grace Lich This spell acts like False life, but affects all allies in 30 feet radius and grants 3d10 + caster level temporary hit points. 6 Siphon Life Lich This spell works as vampiric touch, expect it's a ranged touch attack in medium range and the amount of damage is 1d6 per caster level.\nVampiric touch: You must succeed on a melee touch attack. Your touch deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6). You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later. 6 Siphon Time Lich You steal enemies speed and vitality. Enemies in 30 feet radius are affected by the effect of the slow spell, and allies are affected by Haste. 6 Create Undead Lich This spell summons a graveknight or a guardian armor. It appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. 6 Feast of Blood Lich This spell acts as Exsanguinate, except it affects all enemies in 20 feet radius and grants the caster temporary hit points equal to the maximum damage dealt.\nExsanguinate: You force the target's blood to overflow in its body. The target receives 1d6 damage per caster level, and makes a Fortitude saving throw. If it fails, the target receives 1d6 Strength damage and 2d6 bleed damage. 7 Restore Undead Lich This spell fully heals all allied undead creatures. 7 Blessing of Undead Lich You gain undead immunities, negative energy affinity and DR 5/bludgeoning. 7 Blessing of Unlife Lich Your power of unlife lets you temporarily make your own allies similar to undead. for 10 minutes per caster level a chosen ally gains undead immunities, negative energy affinity and DR 5/ Bludgeoning. 7 Domain of the Hungry Flesh Lich You create a terrible abomination in an area. It attacks everything inside, trying to trip (using caster's level instead of BAB and spellcasting ability score instead of Strength), dealing 2d6 plus caster level damage, entangling and dealing 1d4 damage to a random physical ability score. The area lasts for 1 round per caster level. 8 Embrace of Death Lich You fall into a coma and start receiving 1d6 Constitution drain every round. You can attempt new saving throws every round, and a successful save leaves you staggered for 1 more round and makes you suffer 1d6 Constitution drain. 8 Corrupt Magic Lich This functions as a targeted dispel magic, but it can dispel multiple spells, starting with the highest level spells and proceeding to lower level spells. Additionally, the target receives a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls, saving throws and Ac for every dispelled effect.

Dispel Magic (Target): You can use dispell magic to end on ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature.

You make one dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) and compare that to the spell with highest caster level (DC = 11 + the spell's caster level). If successful, that spell ends. If not, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest caster level. Repeat this process until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell.

9 Negative Eruption Lich This spell acts as harm spell, but affects all creatures in 30 feet radius. Additionally, all affected undead creatures gain +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Will saving throws and twice the caster level temporary hit points.\nHarm: Harm charges a subject with negative energy that deals 10 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 150 points at 15th level). If the creature successfully saves, harm deals half this amount.\nIf used on an undead creature, harm acts like heal. 9 Flay for Purpose Lich Every creature has a purpose in life — and that is to serve you. The target is affected by Repurpose, except the damage is 2d6 per round. After that, the target makes a Fortitude save. If fails, the target takes 10 damage per caster level.\nRepurpose: You mark a target with a curse of servitude. For 1 round per two caster levels, the target is dealt 1d6 damage per round. If the target dies during the effect, it is revived after death as an undead creature under your command. 9
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.