Enchantment Guide – Which Enchantments Do You Need? – Hypixel Skyblock - Sirknightj (2024)

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Swords Bows Armors Fishing Rod Tools

We all know enchantments make a really big deal on any tool or armor piece. They can increase your damage output, increase rare item drop chances, and increase your stats.

With the numerous enchantments you can apply to tools in Hypixel Skyblock, it may get a bit daunting to understand all of them. That’s why we created this enchantment guide, so you know they all work.

Note thatUnbreakingandMending do not exist in this version of Minecraft. All tools in Hypixel Skyblock do not break, and Hypixel’s Skyblock servers are running on Minecraft 1.8.9.

If you’re looking for a certain enchantment or tool, use Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to find whatever you’re looking for.


I recommend crafting all these books. It’s much more time-efficient than repeatedly clicking at an enchanting table for the right enchantment to come up.

Normal Enchantments:

For any most swords, such as the Raider’s Axe, you should aim to get the following enchantments, except the ones marked in red or orange (listed alphabetically):

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection toUnlock RecipePriority
Bane of Arthropods V*Increases damage dealt to Cave Spiders, Spiders, and Silverfish by 40%.Spider Eye VSituational
Cleave VDeals 15% of your damage dealt to other monsters within 4.5 blocks of the target.Pufferfish IIIDon’t Get
Critical VIncreases Crit Damage by 50%.Diamond VHigh
Cubism VIncreases damage dealt to Magma Cubes, Slimes, and Creepers by 50%.Pumpkin IVMedium
Ender Slayer VIncreases damage dealt to Ender Dragons and Endermen by 60%.Ender Pearl IIIMedium
Execute VIncreases damage dealt by 1.0% for each percent of health missing on your target.Diamond IIHigh
Experience IIIGrants a 37.5% chance for mobs and ores to drop double experience.Lapis Lazuli IIIHigh
First Strike IVIncreases melee damage dealt by 100% for the first hit on a mob.Blaze Rod IIIHigh
Fire Aspect IIIgnites your enemies for 4s, dealing 20 damage per second.Gravel VIDon’t Get
Giant Killer VIncreases damage dealt by 0.5% for each percent of extra health that your target has above you up to 25.Ghast Tear IIIHigh
Impaling IIIIncreases damage dealt to Guardians and Squids by 37.5%.Prismarine Shard IMedium
Knockback IIIncreases knockback by 6 blocks.Slimeball IIIDon’t Get
Lethality VReduces the armor of your target by 5.0% for 8 seconds each time you hit them with melee. Stacks up to 5 times.Obsidian IIHigh
Life Steal IIIHeals you for 0.3% of the damage you deal to mobs.No collection, already unlocked.High
Looting IIIIncreases the chance of a Monster dropping an item by 45%.Gold Ingot IIIHigh
Luck VIncreases the chance for Monsters to drop their armor by 25%.Raw Rabbit VHigh
Scavenger IIIScavenge 0.9 Coins per monster level on kill.Gold Ingot IVHigh
Sharpness V*Increases melee damage dealt by 25%.Gravel IVHigh
Smite V*Increases damage dealt to Withers, Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, and Skeletons by 40%.Rotten Flesh IIISituational
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.

Thunderlord VStrikes a Monster with lightning every 3 consecutive hits, dealing 50% of your Strength as damage.Gunpowder VMedium
Vampirism VHeals for 5% of your missing health whenever you kill an enemy.Ghast Tear VHigh
Venomous VReduces the target’s walk speed by 25% and deals 25 damage per second. Lasts 4 seconds.Spider VIMedium

*Only one of these can be on your sword at the same time.

Note that the collections usually grant the recipe for the book one level lower than the listed normal maximum. For example, you can only craft Sharpness IV books, meaning that you would have to combine two Sharpness IV books to get the Sharpness V normal maximum level.

Why is Cleave bad?

Cleave messes up the “first strike” enchantment. When going for the one-shot, having the first strike be wasted on a weaker shot makes this enchantment undesirable. Cleave still correctly awards Combat XP. However, most players still don’t want Cleave, so I recommend not putting it on your weapon. It will lower your weapons’s resell value on the Auction House.

Why is Fire Aspect bad?

Fire Aspect used to interfere with the invulnerability frames of any monster. Basically, you can only hit monsters every 0.5 seconds, no matter how fast you clicked. However, when the Fire Aspect “tick” did damage, it would count as a hit and you would have to wait 0.5 seconds again before being able to attack the monster.

This has been fixed, but players still don’t want it. Mainly because they find the enemies set on fire being visually annoying. I still would not recommend putting on your weapons as it still decreases the resell value on the Auction House, despite it not being that bad of an enchantment. One downside is that it interferes with endermen, making them teleport when set on fire, being annoying to hit.

Why is Knockback bad?

Knockback isn’t that bad if you one-shot everything. However, when dealing with enemies that aren’t one-shottable, such as Slayer Minibosses and Slayer Bosses, knockback will make it harder for you to attack the mob. Additionally, the physical green experience orbs the mob drops will be farther away, making it more annoying to get more levels to enchant with.

I do not recommend putting this on your weapons as it will massively decrease the resell value on the Auction House.


Venomous used to have the same effect as Fire Aspect, making it so you couldn’t damage the mob every time it activated.

However, that has been fixed, like Fire Aspect. However, Venomous is generally seen as OK from the community, since it doesn’t light the mob on fire. Having this enchantment does not negatively impact your weapon’s resell value.

Going for the Maxed Sword

Well if you’re going for the maxed sword, then these are the maxed enchantments you should have on it, in addition to the ones mentioned in the table above:

Enchantment NameDescriptionWhere to Get?
Bane of Arthropods VI*¹Increases damage dealt to Cave Spiders, Spiders, and Silverfish by 48%.Rare boss drop from Tarantula Broodfather Tier III or IV when above Spider Slayer IV.
Critical VIIncreases Crit Damage by 60%.Rare boss drop from Sven Packmaster Tier III or IV when above Wolf Slayer IV.
Combo VEvery mob kill within 15 seconds grants +1 Strength and +1 Crit Damage.Dungeons loot.
Dragon Hunger VIncreases damage dealt to Ender Dragons by 40%.End shop.

Cost: 1,000,000 Coins per level 1 book. (You need 16 of these to get DH5.)

Ender Slayer VIIncreases damage dealt to Ender Dragons and Endermen by 72%.End shop.

Cost: 1,500,000 Coins.

Experience IVGrants a 50% chance for mobs and ores to drop double experience.Melancholic Viking NPC in the Park (spruce area).

Cost: 400,000 Coins.

Giant Killer VIIncreases damage dealt by 0.6% for each percent of extra health that your target has above you up to 25.Dark auction.
Life Steal IVHeals for 0.4% of the damage you deal to mobs.Fear Mongerer NPC.

Cost: 1,500,000 Coins and 32x Purple Candy.

Looting IVIncreases the chance of a Monster dropping an item by 60%.Opening gifts.
Luck VIIncreases the chance for monsters to drop their by 30%.Opening gifts.
Scavenger IV¹Scavenge 1.2 Coins per monster level on kill.Opening gifts.
Sharpness VIIncreases melee damage dealt by 30%.Dark auction¹.
Smite VIIncreases damage dealt to Withers, Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, and Skeletons by 48%.Rare boss drop from Revenant Horror Tier III or IV when above Zombie Slayer IV.
Ultimate Jerry VIncreases the base damage of Aspect of the Jerry by 5000%.Dungeons loot.
Ultimate Wise VReduces the ability mana cost of this item by 50%.Dungeons loot.
Vampirism VIHeals for 6% of your missing health whenever you kill an enemy.Reward for placing in the top 250 during a spooky festival.

*Only one of these can be on your sword at the same time.

You can only have 1 Ultimate Enchantment on an item!

You can actually get these from the auction house. Setting the filter to “Rare” (as most of the max-tier books are Rare) is a good way to narrow down the maxed books.

¹Additions from the Dungeonsupdate.

EnchantmentDescriptionFuture Location
Scavenger VScavenge 1.5 Coins per monster level on kill.Tomioka Shop (dungeons)

Cost: 15,000,000 Coins.

Sharpness VIIncreases melee damage dealt by 30%.Tomioka Shop (dungeons)

Cost: 10,000,000 Coins.

Smite VIIIncreases damage dealt to Withers, Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, and Skeletons by 56%.Tomioka Shop (dungeons)

Cost: 25,000,000 Coins.


With bows, there aren’t really any enchantments that areextremely bad. All enchantments are up to you, as bows are really only used for a few things, such as Enderdragon fights and Slayer Combat XP Farming.

Flame (equivalent to Fire Aspect) and Punch (equivalent to Knockback) has nearly no effects on most day-to-day activities. Bows with flame and punch don’t have their prices negatively impacted by much, but there is still is a small decrease in value to bows with Flame and Punch, despite them not having much of an effect.

Punch’s only main use is in PvP in the Colosseum, but that is a very niche case.

Bows are very nice, with none of the enchantments conflicting existence with each other (such as Protection and Blast Protection in armors).

Note that the Vanilla enchantmentInfinity does not exist in this version of Minecraft.

Normal Enchantments

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock RecipePriority
Aiming VArrows home towards nearby monsters if they are with 10 blocks.Feather VIHigh
Cubism VIncreases damage dealt to Magma Cubes, Slimes, and Creepers by 50%.Pumpkin IVMedium
Flame IIgnite your enemies for 3s.Blaze Rod VIDon’t Get
Impaling IIIIncreases damage dealt to Guardians and Squids by 37.5%.Prismarine Shard IMedium
Infinite Quiver VSaves arrows 50% of the time when you fire your bow.String VIHigh
Piercing IArrows travel through enemies. The extra targets hit take 25% of the damage.Cactus VIHigh
Power VIncreases bow damage by 40%.Bone IIIHigh
Punch IIIncreases arrow knockback by 6 blocks.Slimeball VIDon’t Get
Snipe IIIArrows deal +3% damage for every 10 blocks traveled.Feather VIIIHigh
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.


Going for the Maxed Bow

If you want to go for a Maxed Bow, make sure to include the enchantments above, along with the following enchants:

Enchantment NameDescriptionWhere to Get?
Dragon Hunter VIncreases damage dealt to Ender Dragons by 40%.End shop.

Cost: 1,000,000 Coins per level 1 book. (You need 16 of these to get DH5.)

Infinite Quiver XSaves arrows 100%of the time when you fire your bow.Dungeons loot.
Power VIIncreases bow damage by 48%.Dark auction.

Most players just go for Dragon Hunter III, since it only costs 4,000,000 coins instead of 16,000,000. However, if you have Dragon Hunter V, it does increase your damage to the Ender Dragon boss by quite a bit, and might be the difference between first and second place.


When dealing with armors, there are much less enchantments to worry about. I highly recommend crafting the books, and using an anvil to combine all the books together, to put it on your armor as a “1 anvil use”.

Tip:DO NOT ENCHANT YOUR ARMOR USING AN ENCHANTING TABLE! Getting thorns will decrease the value of your armor by a LOT. It is not worth the risk.

Normal Enchantments

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock RecipePriority
Aqua Affinity I

Helmet only.

Increases your underwater mining rate.Prismarine IVMedium
Blast Protection V*Grants +20 Defense against explosions.Gunpowder IIIDon’t Get
Depth Strider III°

Boots only.

Reduces how much you are slowed in the water by 100%.Pufferfish IVMedium
Feather Falling V

Boots only.

Increases how high you can fall before taking fall damage by 5 and reduces fall damage by 25%.Feather IIOnly if armor set doesn’t negate fall damage.
Fire Protection V*Grants +20 Defense against fire and lava.Magma Cream IIIDon’t Get
Frost Walker II°Ice blocks will be created below you when you walk above water in a radius of 2 blocks.Ice IIVery Situational
Growth VGrants +75 Health.Dark Oak Wood VIIHigh
Projectile Protection V*Grants +15 Defense against projectiles.Feather IDon’t Get
Protection VGrants +15 Defense.Iron Ingot IIIHigh
Respiration IIIExtends your underwater breathing time by 45s.Clay IIIMedium
Thorns IIIGrants a 50% chance to rebound 9% of damage dealt back at the attacker.Cactus VIIDon’t Get
True Protection I

Chestplate only.

Grants +5 True Defense.Old Shaman Nyko NPC located in the Howling Cave in the Park.

Cost: 900,000 Coins.

Sugar Rush III

Boots only.

Grants +6 Speed.Fear Mongerer NPC.

Cost: 250,000 Coins and 64x Green Candy per level 1 book. (You need 4 of these.)


*You can only have one of these on your armor at once.

°You can only have one of these on your armor at once.

Armors are pretty simple. Just Growth V and Protection V are all you really need on most armor pieces, and Feather Falling V on the boots. Other than that, the other medium priority ones are just there if you really want to put in the effort to add them on.

Make surenot to put Feather Falling on any armor set that doesn’t take any fall damage, such as the Tarantula Armor Set and the Bat Person Armor Set.

Why is Thorns bad?

Thorns interferes with theFirst Strike enchantment on your sword. If an enemy hits you and takes thorns damage, they will not take the extra damage fromFirst Strike. This is why you should avoid putting thorns on your armor.

Going for the Maxed Armor Set

If you’re going for it, be prepared to spend a lot of money. These enchantments barely increase your stats from their previous tier, but are so much more expensive.

To most players, going for these isnot worth it. These enchantments are here for the flex.

Enchantment NameDescriptionWhere to Get?
Rejuvenate VIncreases your natural regeneration by +10%.Dungeons loot.
Growth VIGrants +90Health.Dark auction.
Protection VIGrants +18 Defense.Dark auction OR

Tomioka Shop (dungeons)

Cost: 4,000,000 Coins.

Feather Falling X

Boots only.

Increases how high you can fall before taking fall damage by 10 and reduces fall damage by 50%.Dungeons loot.

Finally, go for one of the following ultimate enchantments. It’s up to you, but Last Stand is probably the best.

Enchantment NameDescriptionWhere to Get?
Bank VSaves 50% of your coins on death.Dungeons loot.
Last Stand VIncreases your defense by 25% when you are below 40%health.Dungeons loot.
No Pain No Gain VYou have 100% chance to gain 2 experience orbs every time you take hits from mobs.Dungeons loot.
Wisdom VGain 5 Intelligence for every 5 levels of exp you have on you. Capped at 100 Intelligence.Dungeons loot.

Fishing Rod

Ever wanted to go fishing? Well, make sure to get all of these enchantments. Not all of these are needed, of course, but why not?

Fishing rods are the exception to the “don’t enchant them using the enchanting table” warning. There are no bad fishing rod enchantments, so make sure to get all of these if you can.

If you’re looking for a good, cheap rod, get a Winter Rod. You can obtain one from the shop in Jerry’s Workshop for 50,000 coins. Then go craft yourself either Spiked Bait, Fishing Bait, or Whale Bait to fish with, or buy them from the Bazaar.

Normal Enchantments

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock RecipePriority
Angler VIncrease chance to catch sea creatures by 5%.Ink Sack VIIHigh
Blessing V25% chance to get double drops when fishing.Prismarine Crystals VIIHigh
Caster V5% chance not to consume bait.Ink Sack VHigh
Frail VSea creatures start with 25% reduced health.Clay IVMedium
Looting III*Increases the chance of a Monster dropping an item by 45%.Gold Ingot IIIMedium
Luck of the Sea VIncreases the chance of fishing treasure by 5%.Raw Rabbit VIIHigh
Lure VShortens the maximum time it takes to catch something by 20%.Salmon IIIHigh
Magnet VGrants 5 additional experience orbs every time you successfully catch a fish.Clownfish IIIMedium
Spiked Hook VFishing rod deals 25% more damage to monsters.Pufferfish VIMedium
Telekenesis I*Block and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.


*These enchants only take effect when the Fishing Rod is used as a weapon. You can just kill the sea creature with your stronger sword, as swords generally deal more damage than fishing rods. A handy tip for killing the common sea creature Frosty, which you can fish up on the Jerry Island is by casting the fishing rod onto it. Bows do not work against sea creatures, so to deal ranged damage, you need to cast your fishing rod. Don’t worry about your baits, the fishing rod will only use a bait when the bob touches water.

In order to level up these collections easily to unlock the recipe, I would recommend placing down a fishing minion for a few days. The fishing minion will unlock everything in the fishing collection except for Ink Sacks and Lily Pads.

You shouldn’t fish on your private island. I recommend either fishing at the Birch Park (for squids), or at the Hub’s “Sven Pond” for better sea creature spawn rates.

Going for the Maxed Fishing Rod

Well, if you’re purchasing a brand-new Rod of Legends or Shredder, might as well put max enchants on it.

Most of these books are relatively cheap, much cheaper than the Tier VI books for swords, bows, and armor. You can get these books relatively inexpensively on the Auction House.

Make sure to add these enchantments, including the ones from the above table, in order to max enchant your fishing rod.

Enchantment NameDescriptionWhere to Get?
Angler VIIncrease chance to catch sea creatures by 6%.Rare drop from Deep Sea Protector.
Caster VI6% chance not to consume bait.Rare drop from Carrot King.
Frail VISea creatures start with 30% reduced health.Rare drop from Catfish.
Looting IVIncreases the chance of a Monster dropping an item by 60%.Opening gifts.
Luck of the Sea VIIncreases the chance of fishing treasure by 6%.Rare drop from Water Hydra.
Lure VIShortens the maximum time it takes to catch something by 25%.Rare drop from Guardian Defender.
Magnet VIGrants 6additional experience orbs every time you successfully catch a fish.Rare drop from Monster of the Deep.
Spiked Hook VIFishing rod deals 30% more damage to monsters.Rare drop from Sea Leech.

Most sea creatures drop a rare book, but these drops are very rare. The Sea Walker, Night Squid, Sea Guardian, Sea Witch, Sea Archer, and The Emperor all don’t drop any books.


Tools are very nice, as there arealmost no “above max” enchanted books. However, almost every tool has their own unique enchantments.

Note that since all tools in Hypixel Skyblock do not break, you should just craft Golden Tools because they break blocks the fastest.


Here are the enchantments you’re going to want on your Pickaxe. I recommend making an enchantment table for level 60 enchants, and either choose Silk Touch, Fortune, or Smelting Touch from the enchanting interface, then craft the remaining books you need and use an anvil.

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock Recipe
Efficiency VIncreases how quickly your tool breaks blocks.Redstone III
Experience IIIGrants a 37.5% chance for mobs and ores to drop double experience.Lapis Lazuli III
Fortune III*Increases your chance to gain double drops when mining by 30%.Gold VIII
Silk Touch I*Allows you to collect normally unobtainable block drops.String V
Smelting Touch I*Automatically smelts broken blocks into their smelted form.Coal II
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.

*Silk Touch is not compatible with either Fortune or Smelting Touch. Fortune and Smelting Touch are compatible with each other.

Silk Touchgenerally has less uses in Skyblock because you don’t want to collect the ores themselves, you want to collect the drops. Silk Touch is still useful for picking up grass and glass, but those resources are already very cheap to purchase. I recommend keeping 2 picks: a fortune/smelting touch pick and a silk touch pick.

When mining cobblestone at your base, and you only have a Smelting Touch pickaxe, you will get Stone back. If you want your cobblestone back, place the stone down and break it. You’ll get your cobblestone back.

Enchantment NameDescriptionWhere to Get?
Experience IVGrants a 50% chance for mobs and ores to drop double experience.Melancholic Viking NPC in the Park (spruce area).

Cost: 400,000 Coins.

This is the only “above max” enchantment used on tools.

Note that Efficiency VI does exist, but you can only get it on a Stonk pickaxe, which you can purchase in the End Shop for 499,999 coins.


Axes and Shovels are different here than in vanilla Minecraft. You can’t put fortune on axe in Hypixel Skyblock.

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock Recipe
Efficiency VIncreases how quickly your tool breaks blocks.Redstone III
Replenish IUpon breaking crops, nether wart, or cocoa, automatically replant from materials in your inventory.Cocoa Beans VIII
Silk Touch IAllows you to collect normally unobtainable block drops.String V
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.


Like axes, you cannot put fortune on the shovel. If you need flint, you should craft the Flint Shovel, unlocked in Gravel Collection II.

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock Recipe
Efficiency VIncreases how quickly your tool breaks blocks.Redstone III
Silk Touch IAllows you to collect normally unobtainable block drops.String V
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.


Shears have very limited uses in Hypixel Skyblock. They’re only used for shearing sheep on theMushroom Desert island, or for breaking wool on your island.

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock Recipe
Efficiency VIncreases how quickly your tool breaks blocks.Redstone III
Rainbow ICauses sheep to drop a random wool color when sheared.Mutton VI
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.


I recommend purchasing a Rookie Hoe for 10 Coins from the Farmer Merchant in the Hub, rather than crafting a Golden or Diamond Hoe. The Rookie Hoe will give you extra seed drops, which helps out when harvesting Sugarcane, Potatoes, Carrots, and Wheat (situational).

Enchantment NameDescriptionCollection to Unlock Recipe
Harvesting VGrants a 62.5% chance to harvest double crops.Wheat II
Replenish IUpon breaking crops, nether wart, or cocoa, automatically replant from materials in your inventory.Cocoa Beans VIII
Telekenesis IBlock and mob drops go directly into your inventory.Rusty NPC in theGold Mine.

Cost: 100 Coins.

Note that with Harvesting V, you can craft the level 5 version right away. It is one of the cheapest level 5 books to be crafted, only requiring 48 paper and 16 wheat.

Hope this guide helps you out with your enchanting endeavors!

Enchantment Guide – Which Enchantments Do You Need? – Hypixel Skyblock - Sirknightj (2024)
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