4.0 GPA Challenge: Do More Than Just Pass Your Classes (2024)

4.0 GPA Challenge: Do More Than Just Pass Your Classes (1)

I performed a miracle. I got a 4.0 GPA last term. Okay, not really a miracle, but it was the first one I've earned since starting college! Granted, I was taking some easier classes and retaking one that I didn't do so hot in Fall term, but still! I'm proud of myself, and I did work for it. Now, I'm heading into Spring term with 19 credits of harder classes, a new volunteering gig, and a new job. This is all on top of the officer position I already hold in my sorority, along with everyday sorority events and other life commitments. In short, I'm BUSY!

The point is, even though I have a lot going on in my life, getting that 4.0 really made me feel awesome about myself. I experienced a renewed confidence in my academic abilities and ability to achieve my goals. Because it felt so fantastic, I have decided that despite my busy life and seemingly endless commitments, I am striving to get another 4.0 term under my belt. I've been inspired by Sanam's A* Grade challenge (I'm not 100% sure what the * means, but I'm guessing kind of like an A+?) to push myself in a more structured manner to get those high grades. I'm not exactly joining her challenge, but my personal 4.0 plan will be similar to hers.

I'm going to start by assessing what I did last term that worked exceptionally well, as well as the areas I felt I need improvement in.

What worked for me last term

Spaced repetition

By spacing out your studying, you give your brain time to condense information into meaningful memories that remain in you brain a lot longer.

Practice testing

Being able to objectively measure your abilities in a particular subject is invaluable. I would work through a practie test, then go back and write down the topic of every question I missed or guessed on. Those were the subjects that I studied more frequently and intensively until I understood them just as well.

Unprompted recall

For vocab-heavy classes like my Medical Terminology class, I would read through the vocab list a couple times, then try to recall as many words from memory as I could without prompting myself by looking at the list. I then added to the list any words I had forgotten and corrected any definitions I got wrong.

Color-coding notes

I only stuck with this for the first half of the term, since it was so time-consuming to reqrite my notes, but for those first few weeks, color-coding my notes as I rewrote them really helping information retention and recall.

Studying my hardest subjects at night

I usually did this by accident, because I would put off studying, then had to do the homework for those harder classes first. Then I would get really tired and go to bed, but I ended up remembering those topics significantly better than the ones I studied in the morning, when I had all day to forget them and be distracted. By studying the hardest material before bed, your brain goes to sleep with that material fresh, so more of it will be processed into long-term memory as you sleep.

What I need to work on

Doing my assignments ahead of time

This is more of a time-management issue, but also goes along with procrastination, which I do a lot. I'm trying to build in some library time specifically for completing assignments to combat this.

Studying for finalsbeforeDead Week and Finals Week

I left the majority of my studying until the last minute, and then I was scrambling to remember Organic Chemistry mechanisms from Week 3.

Going to class and taking better notes.

I'm currently exploring a couple different note-taking systems to see which one is most effective for my learning. Going to class is half the battle for me, so I'm trying to make it more of a habit.

Spaced repetition

Yes, I know I said this was something that I did well last term. But I still need to work on it. I'm going to try incorporating 15 minutes of review material into every hour of studying to help space out the review (instead of trying to remember everything the night before the exam!)

Beating procrastination

UGH. Procrastination and I have an all-out war going on pretty much all of the time. I'm trying a couple tricks from Robin Sharma (recommended by Sanam) to increase my willpower to overcome procrastination (I'll keep ya posted).

And with that, my 4.0 GPA Challenge is on! Classes start today, so I say BRING IT ON.

Best of luck with YOUR studying! How do you earn your high grades? Let me know in the comments!

4.0 GPA Challenge: Do More Than Just Pass Your Classes (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.